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Overwatch 2 :Best Pharah counters in game

Pharah is one of the most vexing heroes. Her presence dampens the spirits of gamers all over the world, especially when Mercy flies alongside her. Pharah’s rockets are undeniably powerful in the right hands, but fortunately, there are a few ways to counter her. In some Overwatch 2 matches, a select few heroes can utterly dominate the game. That is unquestionably the case if you are playing against a strong Pharah, particularly if she has a Mercy pocketing her. Because of this, it’s critical to have a strategy for overcoming her. Here are the top choices in Overwatch 2 to take on a strong Pharah. If you need more information about Overwatch 2 :Best Pharah counters in game then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Overwatch 2 :Best Pharah counters in game

Since the beginning of Overwatch 2, she has remained a viable hero on most maps. Her playstyle is tailored to specific battlefields and modes, so if you’re playing a game on Ilios Well, expect a Pharah to be present at all times. Countering a Pharah in Overwatch 2 requires someone who can either shoot her out of the sky or get up in her face and disrupt her. Keeping this in mind, here are the best picks in each class to oppose her:

  • Tank – D.Va, Roadhog (in certain situations)
  • Damage – Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Torbjorn, Widowmaker
  • Support – Ana, Baptiste, Mercy (in certain situations), Moira

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D.Va is without a doubt your best counter for Pharah in the Tank slot. Pharah can be stopped from attacking your teammates by using Defense Matrix, and you can boost yourself into the air while hitting her to reduce her health and make Pharah back off. Roadhog is only useful if the Pharah doesn’t know how to stay high in the air and falls into her hook range.

The Damage heroes are always the first to go when it comes to stopping Pharah, but it can be difficult, especially if a Mercy is involved. The majority of these heroes are hit scans who can shoot Pharah from afar. Sombra can hack her and cause her to fall out of the sky, making Echo’s flight easier to control and hit shots on. If you can hit your shots, Widowmaker is the best choice here. Aside from that, choose the most dependable hero in the group at the time.

Ana and Baptiste are the best Supports to use against Pharah. Ana can easily snipe her out of the air with a couple of shots, and Baptiste can injure her with his burst weapon. Mercy can fly freely and easily fight a Pharah in the air one-on-one when she uses her Ultimate, but not so much outside of that. Moira, like Roadhog, can drain Pharah’s life if she gets close enough and moves quickly enough to avoid her rockets.

If a Mercy is accompanying the Pharah, she becomes your first priority before pursuing the Rocket Queen. All of the picks above apply, but focus solely on taking her out to eliminate Pharah, who is constantly regaining health and having a damage boost to wipe out your team.

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