One Piece Manga Chapter 1067 Punk Records Explain

he creator of the Japanese manga series One Piece is Eiichiro Oda. “One Piece” by Eiichiro Oda is one of the most popular manga. It has been serialised in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump since July 1997. The protagonist of this story is Monkey D. Luffy, a child who unintentionally ate a Devil Fruit and turned his body into rubber. The most recent and exciting chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1067, is released on Today. ONE PIECE Manga Chapter 1067 Punk Records Explain

One Piece Manga Chapter 1067 : Punk Records

Bonney asks Dr. Vegapunk what happened to her head because it was so big the last time they met. Vegapunk simply said that he had it cut off, a claim that amazed her that he could compare his head to a mere strand of hair. Vegapunk explains that he ate Nomi Nomi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to store every little detail of knowledge, causing his brain to continuously grow with all the information. news. That’s right, he was born a genius, Devil Fruit just grew up on it.

Chopper was impressed by Vegapunk’s claim that his brain was still developing even after being separated from his head, while Luffy asked if he was stupid after having it removed, much to Vegapunk’s displeasure. Vegapunk also explains that each satellite is a clone of him, each containing an exact copy of one of his personalities, increasing the amount of work he can do and each day a little more. times he synchronized their experiences and their acquaintances through Punk Records. , which Jinbe says is because they all share the same brain as him.

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Vegapunk said Punk Records is like a huge library in which people around the world can access his brain and help themselves with his incredible knowledge. He also believes that if humanity can continuously update Punk Records, he can create a sea of ​​knowledge far beyond his brain, which he can share with the world.

However, Bonney becomes enraged, telling Vegapunk that he is still the same as the last time they met: someone willing to sacrifice anything for science, just like his father. She shoots the beam sword she got earlier from Vegapunk even though she considers it a buggy product.

Chopper tries to track her down when Vegapunk admits that Bonney has every reason to want him dead, but he changes the subject to his artificial Devil Fruit, since he’s heard rumors that there’s a dragon. other in Wano other than Kaidou. Luffy confirms this when Vegapunk tells him that he considers this a failed experiment, despite having spent twenty years researching Kaidou’s lineage factor. However, Luffy states that the Devil Fruit is not a failure as it allows Momonosuke to have Kaidou-like abilities. he himself.

Luffy asked Vegapunk if he could move the large robot they found, as he thought he had built it, but Vegapunk told him he couldn’t. He also revealed that he attacked Mary Geoise 200 years ago and was built over 900 years ago. Researchers at the time wondered where it came from and what its purpose was, but the World Government ordered its destruction. However, the researchers hid it to continue studying it for generations.

Robin points out that 200 years ago, the discrimination between mermaids and mermaids started, and Shaka tells everyone they built the large robot Lilith had piloted before, Vegaforce-01, based on it. on everything they learned from the old robot. His only problem is not being able to regenerate his energy source. Going back to the original Vegapunk, the former admitting he hurt Bonney, Luffy agrees, but he says he wants to give her something. He then asked Luffy if he could help him get rid of Egghead.

Pythagoras tells Shaka that the World Government is here and that they bring CP0, including Rob Lucci. Lilith offers to let him in, but Usopp and Nami ask not to let him in due to their past relationship with him. Shaka tells Pythagoras to stop them and refuses their request. On Momoiro Island, Kuma began to move, confusing the Revolutionary Army. Although he is unable to move normally, he manages to flee, prompting Dragon and Ivankov to ask him to stay, as their battle as the Revolutionary Army begins.

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