Modern Warfare 2: When does the item shop update? Credit: GGRecon
Modern Warfare 2: When does the item shop update?

The item shop is a frequent stopping point for Modern Warfare 2 players who enjoy staying current with skins and cosmetics, with most of them visiting it daily. The MW2 item shop regularly updates its stock to keep things new, offering everything from standalone skins to exclusive store bundles. Players can gradually acquire new cosmetics thanks to the shop rotation. The shop rotation can include skins that have already been added to the game along with new cosmetics.

The new in-game Item Shop has gone live in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with the start of Season 1, allowing players to browse and purchase cosmetic items using Call of Duty Points. This year’s in-game shop offers players a variety of content for a predetermined number of Call of Duty Points by bundling all the items together. If you need more information about Modern Warfare 2: When does the item shop update? then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Modern Warfare 2: When does the item shop update?

At 12:00 PM CT, the MW2 item shop is updated every other day. The item shop may occasionally offer new items off-schedule in addition to the regular rotation, particularly on weekends and with special bundles. This typically occurs during partnerships or organised events. Item shop cosmetics may also be theme-focused depending on the season.

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CoD points will be the accepted form of payment when buying items from the MW2 item shop. Through the shop menu, users can buy CoD points with real-world money. Higher-tier bundles offer players more value, but there are also smaller ones that may be sufficient for one-time purchases. Fans can purchase new Operator skins, watches, calling cards, emblems, and more from the in-game Shop in a variety of carefully curated bundles. With bundles, the price has so far ranged from 500CP to 2400CP, but that is subject to change.

In MW2, the battle pass system also offers a different method of unlocking skins. Every season brings a fresh battle pass with a tonne of cosmetics to be unlocked. Players who want to minimise their in-game spending may favour making the most of their battle pass system. Players of Fortnite are constantly looking for new ways to add to their skin collection, whether it be by grinding through the Battle Pass or making in-game purchases.

In addition to the Battle Pass, players can also use Call of Duty Points to purchase bundles of items in the store. These bundles will be updated weekly and contain a variety of cosmetic items, such as blueprints for new weapons, skins for new operators, and vanity items. Activision has stated that new cosmetic bundles and other options will be added to the in-game Store on a weekly basis. Call of Duty Points can be used to buy anything.

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