credit: Activision
Modern Warfare 2: How to unlock Blue Dot Reticles?

Modern Warfare 2 brings along an unmatched level of weapon customization but not every player in the game is ready to leave the classics for it. For players who are looking to unlock Blue Dot sight in the game, we have you covered.

Reticle customization plays a crucial role in several Call of Duty games and with the introduction of the revamped gunsmith system, players have been trying to unlock the blue sights of yore.

While the game offers no menu to customize dots, players can still unlock specific attachments that comprise the blue dot and use them on several guns without requiring to unlock things time and time again for every weapon.

How can players unlock the Blue Dot?

As mentioned earlier, players just need to unlock two specific attachments in the gunsmith to earn this coveted prize. Both the Cronen Mini Pro and the Corio RE-X Pro come equipped with it. Fortunately, it’s a one-time process since the game’s gunsmith enables players to use items from specific guns across the board.

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Which weapons offer alternate dot?

In order to unlock the Cronen Mini Pro or the Corio RE-X Pro, players are required to level up specific weapons, but fortunately, it won’t eat up a lot of their time. To unlock Cronen Mini Pro, players need to reach level 7 with the Expedite-12 shotgun. For Corio RE-X Pro, players will be required to reach level 4 with the .50 GS handgun.

Once players do these things, they will have both sights unlocked and ready to throw onto their loadout. Both options come with different abilities, but the dot with the best bang comes with the Cronen Mini Pro. It resembles the classic Red Dot Sight of CoD’s past and veteran players will feel more intuitive with this one.

How to Add Friends in Modern Warfare 2?

  • Open the game and then enter the Main Menu screen.
  • Then, players are required to click on the Social tab.
  • Players will be prompted with the Add Friends option and will have to provide the Activision ID.
  • Players will then see the Send Request button, and click on it.
  • they will be added to the friend list as soon as they accept the request.

To find the Activision ID, players can follow these steps:

  • Enter Settings and go to the Account & Network tab.
  • After that click on the Activision Account and get the ID.

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