credit: Activision
Modern Warfare 2: How to check servers of the game?

There’s nothing worse than trying to fire up an online game from the Call of Duty franchise with your squad and coming across server issues that prevent you from entering the lobby.

Online games heavily depend upon their servers, and Modern Warfare 2 is no exception on that front in 2022. When the servers fail to offer the bandwidth and players are unable to connect, it’s impossible to play the game, which means players might have to look for something else to do until they can jump into the action again.

For players who are running into similar server issues while trying to enter an MW2 lobby, there are some ways they can try out if the servers are down, facing issues, or if the problem is something different altogether. In this article, we will discuss how to check if the MW2 servers are down.

How to check if MW2 servers down?

If players want to check the status of all CoD game servers, head to Activision’s online services page. There, players can see the status of each active CoD game. They will know if the game is online, having server issues, and for which platform.

Players can also check the social media pages for different CoD channels. Infinity Ward is the prime developer of MW2, so its social media handles could have updates about the server issues in the game. Besides, the official Call of Duty Twitter page and even Activision’s support page could offer players with further information.

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But the connection issues could be at the player’s end as well. If players are unable to find any concrete information about current server issues, they can try resetting their internet connection or tweaking the internet settings on their PC.

Most of the time, the problem could be out of the player’s hands completely and there’s not much they will be able to do besides trying to reconnect and get back online for some games.

Usually, Activision’s servers for MW2 have been pretty stable after a patchy first few days of launch. Since then, the game has added Warzone 2 and DMZ alongside new maps and weapons, and the game has been playable with few issues. However, crashing, bugs and other issues are something entirely different.

Even several months after MW2 hit the stores, players can expect some issues with servers throughout the year, but hopefully, everything will go smoothly and all players will be able to hop online to jump into the action without any hiccups.

Modern Warfare 2 Gunfight Mode?

It is a multiplayer game mode introduced to the CoD series with Modern Warfare 2019. It returned in Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Mobile. It’s a 2v2 mode, where players get 40 seconds to take down the enemy duo. If neither team is killed in the given time, a flag spawns at the center of the map and teams get 10 seconds to catch it.

The Gunfight mode versions were also released across the three titles, with 1v1, 3v3, and sniper-only versions. There have been several requests from the community to add the Gunfight mode, with players saying the mode gave a unique match environment missing from other modes.

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