credit: Activision
Modern Warfare 2: How can players unlock weapon camos?

Every year, Call of Duty players race to unlock every camo in the game. Now, the latest entry is Modern Warfare 2 and players are competing to do the same. In this article, we will discuss everything players should know about the game’s camo system.

Modern Warfare 2 comes with a brand new progressions system that makes it easier for players to unlock weapons and attachments. Gunsmith brings Receivers, which means players can unlock attachments for different weapons simultaneously.

Warzone players criticized CoD Vanguard’s weapon grind that required an average of 6 hours to fully maximize out one of the game’s 38 primary weapons. 228 hours of gameplay seem unrealistic for casual players to level up all the weapons.

What is Modern Warfare 2’s weapon camo system?

CoD modern Warfare 2019 came with up to 10 Base Camo set challenges for all weapons, and players were required to repeat the same unlock process for each weapon.

For Modern Warfare 2, Base Camo are already unlocked across all guns by finishing a challenge toward a weapon’s first Mastery Camo, and Mastery Camos are attached to individual weapons.

Activision announced more than 180 unique Base Camos at the time of MW2’s release. Camos are divided into Base Camos and Mastery Camos. The former is already unlocked across all weapons by finishing a challenge toward a weapon’s first Mastery Camo, and Mastery Camos are attached to single weapons.

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Unlocking camos in Modern Warfare 2

Completing Base Camo challenges: Each weapon comes with one to four Base Camo challenges. For instance, double kills, kills without reloading, and normal kills.

Unlocking the Gold Mastery Camo: Once players complete every base camo challenge for a weapon, they can unlock the Gold Camo.

Finishing a specific number of Gold Camo challenges: Platinum Camo Challenges are tied to weapon categories and players can only access them after completing a certain number of Gold Camo Challenges within that category.

Finishing at least 51 Platinum Mastery challenges: Unlocking Platnimum Camo on 51 weapons will allow players to unlock Polyatomic. The final mastery challenge is tied to weapon categories and players are required to perform a certain number of kills per class.

Finishing at least 51 Polyatomic Camo challenges: On finishing 51 Polyatomic challenges players will be able to unlock the Orion camo.

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