Mobile Legends: The 3 best heroes to counter Claude in the game, Credits: Elgin
Mobile Legends: Top 3 best heroes to counter Edith in the game

After winning the M3 World Championship, Edith made her professional debut. She has a distinctive skill set. She is difficult to defeat in team fights and the landing phase because she is the first dual tank-marksman hero in the Land of Dawn. The most effective Edith MLBB counter heroes for use in competition in the Land of Dawn will be discovered. When you play, Edith is renowned for having two sides. Because Phylax will be on Edit.

When Edith had her ultimate, Phylax will show up. You can play the game with Phylax, a large and powerful robot. When you employ them to compete in the game, Edith and Phylax both possess remarkable abilities. If you need more information about Mobile Legends: Top 3 best heroes to counter Edith in the game, then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Mobile Legends: Top 3 best heroes to counter Edith in the game

In Mobile Legends, you can use the following three heroes: To combat Edith on the other team during the pick and ban phase, use Bang Bang.

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3. Benedetta

Benedetta approaches the battle similarly to Wanwan thanks to her distinctive basic attack animation and a skill that can reverse any crowd control in her skill repertoire. If you need a bruiser on your team instead of another marksman, she is a good choice. Almost any talent Edith throws at Benedetta, she can deflect. Additionally, with the help of her ultimate, Alecto: Final Blow, she can go all-out for the kill.

She will also be considered a Meta hero. Benedetta was the subject of a thorough hero analysis when she first appeared in the MLBB advanced server. In this guide, we’ll examine the ideal emblem, spell, and construct, as well as strategies and advice, to help you win with Benedetta in Mobile Legends.

2. Wanwan

Wanwan, an obnoxious marksman who we all detest leaning against, is first on the list. Because Edith may use Needles in Flowers to negate the Forsaken Warden’s initiation abilities, this marksman hero is ideal against her. She can also be tricked by an expert Wanwan into utilizing her ultimate too soon. When that occurs, Wanwan can quickly activate the Crossbow of Tang to deliver the Forsaken Warden’s marksman from a tonne of devastating damage.

1. Karrie

Karrie is another shooter who performs admirably against tougher opponents. Her passive ability, Spinning Light Wheel, which causes real damage, is what makes her competitive versus Edith.

Her dash talent, Phantom Step, only has a three-second cooldown at its highest level. Karrie’s battles with tanks turn into intricate dances requiring both heroes to perform at the top of their game at all times. Because of her agility and damage output at higher levels, Edith will be easily melted even before she starts combat.

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