Mobile Legends: The 3 best heroes to counter Kagura in the game, Credit: Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends: The 3 best heroes to counter Kagura in the game

In Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Kagura is a complex mage hero who possesses a special skill set that enables her to cast a five-spell combo and instantly take down any hero. Through Seimei Umbrella Open and her ultimate, Yin Yang Overturn, she deals a ton of damage and has complete control over the enemy.

Her dash ability, Rasho Umbrella Flee, has a built-in purify. Additionally, it enables her to teleport to her umbrella and activate her passive Yin Yang Gathering. Whether she is holding her umbrella or not determines whether all of her abilities take on a second form. If you need more information about Mobile Legends: The 3 best heroes to counter Kagura in the game, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Mobile Legends: The 3 best heroes to counter Kagura in the game

She still relies heavily on casting spells and is a flimsy mage. Here is a list of the top heroes to choose from if you want to neutralize her. Here are three powerful counters to Kagura in Mobile Legends

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3. Zilong

Zilong’s Supreme Warrior ultimate, which eliminates all slowing effects and renders him immune to them for the duration, makes him a potent counter against Kagura. He gains more movement and attack speed as a result, enabling him to chase down opponents with soft control and more frequently activate his Dragon Flurry passive ability.

Hide first in the bush closest to Kagura when ganking her. Supreme Warrior can be activated after you wait for her to cast Seimei Umbrella Open. Spear Strike at close range. Use Spear Flip to manage her. Continue pursuing her and using basic attacks on her until you kill her, even if she negates its airborne effect. Purchase Rose Gold Meteor to increase your physical and magical attack. But pick Athena’s Shield if you require more magic defense.

2. Franco

One of the few heroes with the strongest form of control—suppression—whose effect is unaffected by Purify or Kagura’s Rasho Umbrella Flee is Franco. In Bloody Hunt, his ultimate form, he possesses it. Tell your teammates to quickly burst her down while you hold her down with Bloody Hunt. To make sure you use the ultimate attack on her, activate Hero Lock Mode.

If she survives and tries to flee, pull her back with an Iron Hook before slamming her with a Fury Shock. Pick Flicker to close the distance and quickly capture her with Bloody Hunt. To lessen her magic burst, purchase Athena’s Shield. If Franco is not available, Kaja is a fantastic backup because of her Divine Judgment’s suppression.

1. Hayabusa

It’s not just that Hayabusa adores Kagura. It turns out that he is a particularly effective foil for her. She may attempt to flee using Rasho Umbrella Flee, but he can still pursue her thanks to his ultimate, Ougi: Shadow Kill.

Use Ninjutsu: Quad Shadow to close the distance between you and her. Apply four Shadow Marks to her using basic attacks and Ninjutsu: Phantom Shuriken, then use Shadow Kill to deliver the killing blow. Gusion, Lancelot, and Benedetta are suitable replacements if Hayabusa is not available.

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