Minecraft, Image credit: Twitter
Minecraft Launcher for Windows

To download the Minecraft Launcher for Windows, go to the Microsoft Store and search for Minecraft Launcher.

Note: Windows 10 users need to make sure they are on version 1903 or higher.

If you have an Xbox Game Pass, you’ll get the option to install the Minecraft Launcher right there. Otherwise, it’ll have two buttons: ‘Included with Game Pass’ and ‘Get from Xbox App’. For those who want to buy the Xbox Game Pass, click the ‘Included with Game Pass’ button.


It’ll direct you to the Microsoft Store page for Game Pass where you can purchase it. Then, head back to the Minecraft Launcher page and click the ‘Install’ button.

If you own a version of Minecraft independently of the Xbox Game Pass, click the ‘Get from Xbox App’ button. Even if you don’t own Minecraft, you’ll be able to install the Minecraft Launcher. But you’ll need either the Game Pass or game ownership to be able to play.

It’ll redirect you to the Xbox app. If you don’t have the app, Microsoft will first install and set up the app for you. Then, before you can install the Minecraft Launcher, see if the game needs you to install any additional components. You want to look out for a banner near the top of the window. Click the ‘Install’ button to proceed.

Finally, on the Xbox listing page for Minecraft Launcher, skip the ‘Play with Game Pass’ button and go over to the ‘Get’ (Free) button.

If you don’t see it, make sure that you have ‘Minecraft Launcher’ selected from the drop-down menu for ‘Choose Edition’.

After that, the app should start downloading on its own. You can go to the library and see the download progress. If not, an ‘Install’ button for Minecraft Launcher will appear; click it to get the app.

Now, when you launch the app, you can log in with your Mojang or Microsoft account and you’ll be able to play the Minecraft games that you own.

With Minecraft Launcher, the company hopes that people will see how serious they are regarding PC as a platform for gamers. The app is sure to make the whole process of playing Minecraft on PC a lot smoother even if you might get a little confused initially. It will also get updates right from the Microsoft Store, so that’s another aspect that’s bound to be a lot more streamlined.