(Credits-Toei Animation)
Luffy and Usopp fight in One Piece, Why did it actually happen?

One Piece fans may recall Usopp’s bitter feud with his captain a long time ago. Luffy and Usopp fight in One Piece, Why did it actually happen? Usopp’s childhood friend Kaya was helped when he first joined the Straw Hat crew in Syrup Village. They were given the Going Merry ship after defeating Kuro of a Hundred Plans. The crew went everywhere with it for the majority of the early One Piece arcs.

Unfortunately, the good times couldn’t last forever. When the Straw Hats arrived at Water 7, they realised they needed a new ship. This sparked a heated debate between Usopp and Luffy, resulting in a major brawl.

The main reason for Luffy and Usopp fight in One Piece

The Straw Hats have always looked out for each other throughout the majority of the One Piece series. They might even have comedic spats like Zoro and Sanji. However, when Usopp called out Luffy, it was far from amusing.

Usopp fought Luffy over Going Merry ship

Going Merry had taken a lot of damage from the Straw Hats’ journey by the time they arrived at Water 7. It was breaking down, and they didn’t have the money to make new repairs. It was less expensive to get a different ship instead.

Luffy’s decision, however, did not sit well with Usopp, who thought About going Merry to be a member of the family. It also had sentimental value for him because of its ties to his hometown.

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It didn’t help that Usopp had some money taken from him after the Frank Family went after him. The Straw Hats could have repaired Going Merry if it hadn’t been for that.

Luffy and Usopp had to fight it out

Both men had agreed that the Going Merry’s ownership would be decided in a fight. Usopp knew he couldn’t beat Luffy, but he needed to stick to his principles.

Regardless of his various battle strategies, Usopp was defeated by a Gomu Gomu no Bullet. Luffy, on the other hand, decided to give him the Going Merry ship anyway. Even by One Piece’s standards, this was a highly emotional battle.

Eventually, Usopp was welcomed back

The Straw Hats finally got their hands on a new ship, the Thousand Sunny, after the Enies Lobby event. However, once the Marines arrived, they needed to flee quickly.

Usopp apologised for everything he had done while this was going on. It was entirely genuine and heartfelt, and he was happily welcomed back into the Straw Hats.

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