League of Legends: Tips and Tricks for Jungler

If you ask a League of Legends player what the most unique job in the game is, they’ll most likely say the Jungler. In Summoners Rift, if you play as a Jungler, you’ll spend the most of your time nestled up in the foliage between the three main lanes. This is where you’ll get buffs, combat neutral monsters, and figure out how to flank the opposing squad.

The Jungler’s position appears intricate and intimidating at first glance, especially if you’re unfamiliar with it. There are a lot of things to understand before you can play the Jungler role — you’ll need to know about buffs, monsters, and yes, even pathways.

This is where our post comes in. Here, we’ll introduce you to the position of a Jungler and provide some advice to help you become the King of the Jungle in League of Legends.

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What Does a Jungler do?

The Jungler will take a different path throughout the early game than the other players, who will be accumulating gold and experience in the lane. Instead of following in the footsteps of others, you’ll get experience and wealth by fighting creatures.

There are some fairly dangerous monsters to face in the forest. Junglers are usually tanky and stocky bruisers who can send out a considerable amount of damage while also being able to take some blows as a result of these factors.

However, it is not entirely a player-versus-environment encounter for a Jungler. You can go from lane to lane to help your team members once you’ve collected all of your buffs and vanquished all of the monsters in the jungle. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to gank your ally’s lane in order to get an advantage, catch them off guard, and secure kills. What differentiates the finest LoL Junglers from the rest is their understanding of which avenues to take and when to attempt those ganks.

16 Tips to Make You a Better Jungler

1. Be Flexible, Pay Attention to the Map

Don’t try to use the same strategy every time you play. The best LoL Jungler is one who can adapt to different situations. Keep in mind that no matter how you play, every game will be different. After the second bonus, ganking your Nasus makes no sense. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to kill his opponent, thus you’ll be wasting your time. Keep your gaze fixed on the map. By keeping an eye on the map, you can learn who is losing and who is winning, as well as which enemies are easy to gank and which enemies are difficult.

2. Understand Your Champions Win Conditions

One thing you may look up is the win conditions for your champion. You’re not going to be strong at the start of the game if the champion needs to scale. You’ll need to be upbeat in the early game if they’re an early game champion.

Jarvan, Lee Sin, and Elise are three champions who have proven to be formidable early on. These three champions must be as active as possible, ganging whenever they can.

Scaling champions will struggle in the early stages of the game and will require some time to warm up. Take Master Yi for example; he isn’t the best ganker on his solo. Eve and Amumu are two champions who aren’t particularly good until they reach level 6.

When you’re playing on a champion who isn’t particularly powerful in the early game, you should concentrate on gaining as much XP and gold as can, since this will allow you to swiftly increase your power. You must gank as much as possible once you have received your power spike.

The Ultimate is usually the first power spike for most champions, but some may require to reach a particular level or obtain their first item. This isn’t to say that a champion who isn’t particularly strong early in the game can’t support their laners — help others as needed and be as proactive as possible.

3. When to Buy a Tent

You used your gank on an enemy laner and killed him. They’re now complaining in-game chat. You did an excellent job. Now go to the nearest market and get a comfortable tent to spend your camping time on that route. Many times, this may enrage the enemy player to the point where they will lose the game…or rage quit. league of legends jungler

4. Always Pick Up a Pink Ward

Please don’t wait for your teammates to pick up a pink ward because they’re unlikely to do so. One man is all it takes to set up a vision ward. When you do get it, make sure you keep your eyes on it at all times – vision is crucial.

5. Play Around Your Ultimate

Even if you choose a champion who is strong in the early game, you should play around your Ultimate to get the most kills. The majority of LoL Jungler Ultimates come in one of two flavours: crowd control/utility or massive damage.

If your champion doesn’t have the best gank pressure, farm while the Ultimate is down and gank when it comes back up. This can be seen in Amumu, Malphite, and Shyvana. Without unleashing their Ultimate, these three champions don’t have the highest gank pressure.

You should always strive to gank whenever Ulti is ready, regardless of the LoL champion you’re playing with — this may bring in a lot of gold for your team. As an example, consider Sejuani’s Ultimate. It will always get a kill if you use it in a lane that deals a lot of damage.

If you neglect to utilise your Ulti, you’ll miss out on potential money, map pressure, and experience, as well as a slew of additional benefits that could lead to a victory.

This is why it’s critical that you strive to use your Ultimate whenever it’s available — we can’t emphasise this enough.

You must use your Ulti in the best lane possible in order to get the most out of it. What exactly does this imply? Naturally, some champions are under more stress than others. If you don’t think you’ll be able to use your Ultimate to destroy the enemy, you should take it somewhere else.

Let’s imagine you’re in the top lane and you’re using your Ulti to assist in tank vs. tank battles – this isn’t the most important usage of a CC Ultimate. This isn’t the case for Ultimates who can execute champions like Lee Sin and Evelynn because, in the end, a kill is a kill. Amumu’s and Shyvana’s CC Ultimates are best used on immobile, squishy carriers such as those roaming the bot or mid lane.

6. Don’t Spend a Lot of Time Helping Lost Lanes

Three winning lanes are uncommon in League of Legends. You should not participate in those lanes that are marked as lost. If you’re attempting to assist a lane that is far behind, this isn’t necessarily going to result in a successful gank. They may be behind in terms of stuff, levels, and even talents. It’s pointless to try to help them if you find this to be true.

Assume the top laners are 0 and 3. Because the enemy is so far ahead, assisting them will be difficult. You won’t be able to aid them on your own if your lane is so far behind. As a result, you may require assistance from surrounding lanes in order to defeat the opponent. league of legends jungler

It would be more beneficial for you to devote your time to those lanes that are currently performing well or are at least in the middle of the pack. You will have a greater impact on the map if you can assist in getting these lanes even further forward.

Now, if you know you’re capable of killing the opponent, by all means, assist the losing lanes. We don’t recommend devoting too much of your time to assisting them because it will put you behind schedule.

7. Leave the Kills for Your Teammates, if Possible

You’ll be fine as a Jungler with or without those kills, so leave them for your teammates whenever feasible because they’ll appreciate the gold.

8. Use Pings

So, you’re doing well, and you’ve got eyeballs all over the map. Your teammates, on the other hand, are not on the same level as you. As a result, you should make it a habit to use the pings. Notify your squad whenever you or your opponents are taken out.

9. Always Get the Red Trinket

Early in the game, you can start with the yellow and defend yourself, but you can swap it later. You’ll have a better chance of removing opposing wards with the red trinket, and your ganks will be less effective without it.

10. Deciding Your Route

You must choose your jungle route as a Jungler. We’re talking about the order in which you kill the neutral creatures when we say “route.” You can travel across the forest in a variety of ways.

Red Team: Blue Buff – Gromp – Red Buff

Begin at the Blue Sentenial, then travel to Gromp, and finally to the Brambleback camp (red). From there, as long as your health allows, you can follow in the footsteps of the Raptors, Wolves, and Krugs.

Blue Team: Red Buff – Raptors – Blue Buff

The most usual method for the Blue team is to begin at the Red Brambleback camp, then march towards the Raptors and destroy the Blue Sentinel. After that, you can proceed to Gromp and Wolves, or Krugs if you’re in good shape. Otherwise, if your health is in jeopardy, return.

11. The Summoner Spell – Smite

Smite is an important part of your arsenal, so don’t overlook it. This is a significant amount of damage that you should save in order to defeat the tougher animals and prevent them from being taken away from you. Make sure Smite is active when fighting Baron Nashor or Dragon. You’ll be a lifesaver if you can utilise this to take one of these two from your attacker. league of legends jungler

12. Always be Aware 

Knowing where you are on a map is crucial as a Jungler. Make it a habit to check the map frequently, especially when going between camps. You’re in a good position to warn your teammates about potential threats.

13. Understand the Pressure

If you know where the enemy team’s Jungler started a certain buff level 1, you may estimate where that Jungler will be at level 3. Because you are an Amumu and he is a Lee Sin, you will often avoid running into the enemy Jungler (surely you know where this is taking us). Junglers that take on the opponent Jungler, even if they know they won’t win, are prone to making blunders – don’t be one of them. When you know you’re not going to win, it’s sometimes beneficial to exert pressure on the other side of the map, far away from the enemy Jungler.

14. Play the Objectives

Of course, kills are fantastic, but each kill should lead to a goal. Take early kills, for example; this should imply that the wave should be pushed in. Set up camps in the undergrowth and lay down thick wards as well. league of legends jungler

15. Watch YouTube Videos

You can catch up on their moves by watching YouTube videos of professional or challenger players. You can learn everything you need to know about being a Jungler in LoL by completing a fast YouTube search.

16. Always Play with Your Brain on

This recommendation is self-evident, yet we feel compelled to add it because it is critical. This holds true not only for the Jungler, but for each role in League of Legends. A Jungler will spend a lot of time alone, and they will have more free time than the other characters. Junglers can keep an eye on the minimap, observe the enemy’s moves, and build up their vision without having to worry about their lane opponents or the wave 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Final Words

You’ll do fantastic in this role if you research your champion and discover what a Jungler should and shouldn’t do. Finally, remember to gank, gank, gank! In League of Legends, ganking a lane successfully has the most significant influence. This will please your allies and put them in a better position. Keep an eye out for low-health targets and enemy champions who have gotten too close to your towers.

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