credit: Riot Games
League of Legends: Players claim Riot ruined Yuumi

League of Legends players have been very vocal on social media, expressing their frustration at Riot for spending a lot of time attempting to fix Yuumi and not giving attention to other champions and systems.

LoL is a huge game with more than 160 champions to pick from, tons of items, and systems that all interact with each other. It only makes sense for LoL developer Riot to also pay attention to other parts of the game. However, one of the company’s most expensive investments in the game has been the magical support cat Yuumi.

The character has been one of the pain points for the developer ever since it was released back in 2019. The character has unique capabilities of hopping onto an ally and becoming unstageable, she is undoubtedly one of the more divisive champions to have embraced the MOBA.

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Yuumi “will never be fixed”

Besides, her kit is among the strongest in the support roster, which has made her a prominent pick in pro play and throughout the division of solo queue. Riot has previously tried removing the kitty from the top spot, but she seems to keep coming back in the spotlight.

Because of her sheer prevalence throughout the game, Riot has tried several tactics to dunk on the champion. She’s had parts of her kit removed, nerfed, and buffed just to make her less powerful.

After the recent reword failed at making Yuumi more healthy, LoL players have voiced their opinion on Reddit, stating the Yuumi will “never be fixed” and that they belived the development time could be spend more effectively on other champions and systems.

How To Fix ‘Unable To Connect To The Login Queue’ Error

Shutting down all instances of the Riot Games client should work in most cases and restarting the client will also tell you if the error was only on the client. After closing the client, wait a few minutes before launching it again. Restarting your Personal Computer (PC) for enhancement and optimization is always recommended. Restarting the PC will also ensure that all background processes are completely closed and the memory cache is cleared.

Another simple reason for not being able to join the League of Legends queue could be poor internet connectivity. To make sure this isn’t a problem, turn off your router and wait two to three minutes before turning it on again. You can also try and ensure that inactive devices are disconnected from the same internet so that your PC gets maximum speed. Disconnect WiFi or unplug Ethernet cables from devices you are not currently using.

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