league of legends most popular champion in challenger always solo queues around the world , Credit : League of Legend
League of Legends: Most popular champion in challenger around the world is Solo Queues

Having a reliable champion in League of Legends is incredibly important when you’re playing ranked solo queue. While it may be tempting to stick to the meta during competitive games, it’s not always the best way to climb the ladder. The best champions are the ones who can take the games no matter what the current meta determines. With more players reaching the rankings, it will be a golden opportunity for those who want to test their skills in the most competitive environment. If you need more information about League of Legends: Most Popular Champion in Challenger Always Solo Queues Around the World Then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Getting into the single queue is frustrating at times, but the champions listed below can easily increase your win rate. If you’re tired of losing multiple games, dropping divisions, and banning your meta picks, these solo carry champions will give you the ability to rise through the ranks. League enthusiasts know that meta plays an important role in the singles queue and high allo players are usually the quickest at finding the right champions and playstyles that fit best into any meta. That being said, there are inconsistencies in different fields and there may be different champions who are more popular in one than in the other.

Also read Why Isn’t Senna Chosen In The league of Legend Meta for ADC Support?

So, take a look at the top 3 most popular champions in LoL:

EU West

Credit: League Of Legend

When it comes to choosing a single queue it is read similar to North America in the European region. Four of the five most played champions in NA are also the most popular choices in the EU’s West. Varus, Karma, Caitlin, and Azariel are all part of the list, proving how similar the Bot Lane Meta is. However, exceptions are noted, which currently rank fifth with an 18.4 percent pick rate. The champion remains one of the strongest supports in the game. He is usually chosen to pair the famous Lu-Na bot with Lucian (according to you.gg, more than 4,000 matches are played simultaneously) but Nami is also seen with other champions like Azariel or Draven.

According to you.gg, Maokai, Rize and Zeri all have pick rates of 16.6 percent or more, with wilderness and ADC being in green (52.20 percent for Mookai, 51.97 percent for Zeri). Maokai has been the strongest wilder since the start of the season, thanks to his full AP build that can halve the target with a few plants. Not only that, he offers a powerful final and point-and-click crowd control on his W. Zeri, on the other hand, received important buffs during the preseason, pushing her back among the best marksmen.

Rise is the only one of three with a win rate of less than 50 percent, but challenger players acknowledge the power of the champion, especially now that he can make the Rod of Age as a mythic item. Champion has great wave clarity and a powerful roaming tool with its ultimate. The main issue is that it takes a lot of time to scale the rise, which is hard to achieve in a single queue where everyone is testing their limits and speeding up the game.

  1. Varus – 23.8 percent pick rate / 49.72 percent win rate
  2. Karma – 22.5 percent pick rate / 48.76 percent win rate
  3. Caitlyn – 21.0 percent pick rate / 49.38 percent win rate
  4. Ezreal – 20.1 percent pick rate / 47.30 percent win rate
  5. Nami – 18.4 percent pick rate / 51.58 percent win rate
  6. Maokai – 16.8 percent pick rate / 52.20 percent win rate
  7. Ryze– 16.7 percent pick rate / 49.51 percent win rate
  8. Zeri – 16.6 percent pick rate / 51.97 percent win rate

North America

Credit: League Of Legend

Compared to the other two regions, NA has played very few matches at the highest Elo, with the most popular champions having a total of 1,367 matches, according to you.gg. For this patch, the selection rates seem quite homogenous across the board, with 26 unique champions having a selection rate of more than 10 percent. Having the highest selection rate during the pre-season, K’Sante remains one of the most selected champions in NA High Elo. Their selection rate has been more or less the same (a decline of only 0.1 percent) and their win rate is still positive, which stands at 51.41 percent.

That said, he is no longer leading the list, as he has been replaced by Karma. Samarthan is the only champion with a selection rate above 20 percent (20.2, to be exact), but she doesn’t perform as well: her win rate is below 48 percent. It’s hard enough to pinpoint the exact reasons for this, but she’s probably chosen as a safe blind selection because of the versatility of her kit, which increases her selection rate.

However, enemy teams are always able to neutralize its usefulness, making it less useful than intended. There are some ADCs with whom Karma usually partners and it is not surprising that some of them have even played a lot of matches. After K’Sante and Karma, we have three ADCs on the list: Caitlin, Azariel and Warsaw.

Speaking of distancing from enemies, Azariel is the best Markman at doing so for his Arken shift (E). Along with the fact that he is a good answer to champions like Caitlyn and Wars because of his mystic shot (Q), it’s not surprising to see him with a high selection rate. In addition, Ezrel works best with Karma, further explaining the number of matches played so far in challenger.

  1. Karma  – 20.2 percent pick rate / 47.95 percent win rate
  2. K’Sante – 19.8 percent pick rate / 51.41 percent win rate
  3. Caitlyn – 19.2 percent pick rate / 50.31 percent win rate
  4. Ezreal – 17.9 percent pick rate / 49.03 percent win rate
  5. Varus – 17.7 percent pick rate / 47.70 percent win rate


Credit: League of legend

Korean territory is generally known to make unique selections and the statistics once again support this. While they have Versace and Caitlin in the top five, there are three unconventional choices that are popping up more often: Silas, Ash and Nidali. Silas and Nidali are more about regional specialties, especially Nidali. With their 20.6 percent pick rate (according to you.gg), they are much more chosen than in the West. (EU at 4.2 percent, NA at 5.2 percent). However, their winning rate is stuck at exactly 50 percent. AP Jungleer is one of the toughest and mechanically intensive champions to master and requires an incredible understanding of the jungle.

Silas used to be one of the best mid-laners at the end of season 12, and despite the rise of the new champions, they still have a great place on the Korean ladder. The main reason is that since Korean single queue is all about finding a border and getting leads quickly, Silas shines as the perfect clash selection. If fights occur in the first few minutes, the value of bond free increases rapidly.

  1. Varus – 31.1 percent pick rate / 50.56 percent win rate
  2. Sylas – 24.6 percent pick rate / 48.71 percent win rate
  3. Ashe – 24.3 percent pick rate / 51.58 percent win rate
  4. Caitlyn – 21.6 percent pick rate / 50.27 percent win rate
  5. Nidalee – 20.6 percent pick rate / 50.00 percent win rate

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