credit: Blizzard Entertainment
Is it possible to convert Overwatch 2 sensitivity to Modern Warfare 2?

It looks like we have a lot of new FPS games taking over the gaming scene in the last few months, with many new titles coming in recently. It’s easy to lose track of the new shooters and whitewash all your previous settings, as players don’t have enough time to transfer their sensitivity from one game to another.

Players will find numerous guides that will help them change their sensitivity from titles such as VALORANT and CS: GO, but it would be really hard for them to keep track of the latest game bursting onto the scene.

Players who are incredibly good at one title might not be as good with another title unless they bring their settings to the game Overwatch 2 recently took the gaming world by storm after it was launched a month ago. Now Modern Warfare 2 has embraced the scene and players just can’t jump straight into the action without changing their settings.

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Can you convert Overwatch 2 sensitivity to Modern Warfare 2?

Yes, you can. It’s a fairly simple process once players learn the math required to do it. Thankfully, we have you covered.

In order to change your sensitivity from Overwatch 2 to Modern Warfare 2, players need to divide their sensitivity by 7.2. For instance, if a player’s sensitivity in Overwatch 2 is 50, they need to divide it by 7.2, which makes it 6.94 in Modern Warfare 2.

This way, players will be easily able to transfer their sensitivity, and they can take their skills from Overwatch 2 to the newer Modern Warfare 2.

Players shouldn’t forget to change their sensitivity frequently depending on how they are playing. Sometimes it’s good for players to get their heads back in the title, allowing them to focus on adjusting instead of relying on previous settings.

Overwatch 2 Minimum Requirements

  • Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD Phenom FX-8350 CPU
  • 6-8 GB RAM
  • 40-50 GB of HDD storage
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB GPU
  • 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 OS
  • DirectX Version 11
  • 1024 x 768 Display resolution
  • Broadband Internet Connection

Overwatch 2 Details

  • Platforms: (Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch)
  • System Requirements: Medium
  • Genre: Multiplayer FPS
  • Developer & Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

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