In response to the NICKMERCS skin controversy, Dr. Disrespect avoids Warzone, Credit: Dr. Disrespect (Twitter)
In response to the NICKMERCS skin controversy, Dr. Disrespect avoids Warzone

Since Activision removed NICKMERCS’ operator pack from Modern Warfare 2 as a result of the streamer’s contentious tweet on June 7, the streaming community, particularly in the Call of Duty scene, has been in an uproar. Several influential people in the sector have commented on the situation, including well-known streamer Dr. Disrespect who has removed the game in protest.

After the 32-year-old streamer commented on a Twitter thread about anti-LGBTQ+ protesters allegedly attacking pro-LGBTQ+ protesters outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California on June 7, Activision removed NICKMERCS’ operator pack from Modern Warfare 2. If you need more information about In response to the NICKMERCS skin controversy, Dr. Disrespect avoids Warzone, then read carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

In response to the NICKMERCS skin controversy, Dr. Disrespect avoids Warzone:

Board members were voting on designating June as Pride Month at that particular meeting. In his tweet, Nick said, “They should leave little children alone. That’s the real issue.”

By Puckett ”This happened 4 blocks from my Overwatch League apartment. Americans are in a sad place right now. Let people love who they love and live your own life”

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It was a brief but powerful tweet that sparked a furious backlash from fans and other creators who thought his remarks were bigoted and inappropriate. Promptly, Activision also responded, announcing that the company had “focused on celebrating Pride with [its] employees and [its] community” and had thus removed Nick’s operator bundle from the game.

It appears that the Two-Time won’t be playing Modern Warfare 2 anytime soon as a result of other streamers, like Dr. Disrespect, responding differently to the circumstance. Don’t be fooled—this year’s Call of Duty is the worst in the series—but that choice by CoD’s PR and marketing team… Dr. Disrespect said today on stream, “I’ll tell you right now, that’s a tough one to digest.

“I feel like they either need to publicly apologize to [NICKMERCS] or reinstate his bundle before I’ll think about playing Call of Duty again,” the player said.

Not only has Dr. Disrespect recently uninstalled CoD, but Nick’s close friend Cloakzy has also removed the game from his library. Although the 27-year-old hinted to his chat that he had already spoken to Nick and that Nick’s MFAM is a strong, welcoming community that accepts people for who they are during his stream today, he never explicitly stated that his actions were in response to Activision’s recent decision.

Later, Nick further clarified his stream position, claiming that he is not “anti-gay.” However, he did state that “stuff like that”—likely referring to sexual orientation and gender identity—should not be discussed in class or by teachers but rather between parents and their children.

The Glendale Unified School District has confirmed that its “elementary curriculum does not include specific information about LGBTQ+ or gender identity.” The district’s board was scheduled to vote on whether to observe Pride Month. Since its previous tweet confirming that Nick’s bundle had been taken out of the game, Activision has not released any additional statements regarding the situation.

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