In Apex Legends season 16, the ALGS coach discusses one of the greatest issues with World's Edge

Next month marks the start of Split Two of the Apex Legends Global Series, with new teams emerging from the Challengers Qualifiers eager to create history in their area. New compositions and legends that make use of new passives and abilities may disrupt the metagame as a result of the character class adjustments for Season 16. Incorporating the skill from recon legends, one class, controllers, uses the recently added Ring Consoles to determine where the next circle closes. In Apex Legends season 16, the ALGS coach discusses one of the greatest issues with World’s Edge.

Apex Legends season 16

Despite the fact that Ring Consoles and Survey Beacons spawn on all maps, recent data has revealed a massive discrepancy that could radically alter how one map, World’s Edge, is played. The 2022 ALGS champions Dark Zero’s instructor, PVPX, deleted a tweet that contained two images that compared the spawn rates on World’s Edge and Storm Point, the two maps used in the ALGS, using Ring Console.

Bar graphs showing the likelihood of a Ring Console spawning in a POI on each map in Season 16 were included in the images, but name labels were left off to prevent aiding opposing teams. Nine POIs on WE had spawn rates of 90% or higher, with the greatest being 95%. With the lowest at 34%, the remaining percentages all dropped below 60%. PVPX made a point of highlighting the sixty percent difference between playing the game at a disadvantage to other teams and learning crucial information that influences pivotal rotations and late-game choices. Each squad had more equal chances for a console to spawn in their POI thanks to the fact that every POI on SP, in contrast, fell between 73% and 67%, a 6% difference.

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In the Split One Finals, one of the four control legends, Wattson, had a 25% pick rate and was frequently partnered with Crypto, who looked for the next ring. Wattson now plays multiple parts on a team due to the class changes, and the unfair Ring Console spawn rate issue with WE are brought to light by the necessity of setting up her defences early in subsequent rings at the highest level of competition. The shifting of console spawns from previous seasons is just one example of the adjustments that many professional players have already criticised for letting one team learn crucial information about their rivals simply by chance.

In one month, Split Two of the ALGS will begin in all regions, allowing teams time to consider the data and decide whether to switch POIs. The North American MPS originally declared their plan to land in Fragment East for Split Two; however, after the Ring Console spawn rate information became known, changed to Lava Fissure. Split Two of the 2023 ALGS season may be the most unpredictable split in Apex history because many teams have already reserved their POIs for upcoming competitions.

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