How to use OBS and SLOBS to add a chat overlay to a stream, Credit: Gaming Careers (Youtube)
How to use OBS and SLOBS to add a chat overlay to a stream

There’s no doubt that Twitch chat is one of a stream’s most influential elements; in fact, some viewers may tune in specifically to hang out in your chat. The chat section of a stream is typically displayed right next to the visual feeds, but when viewers switch to viewing your stream in full screen, keeping track of the chat can be difficult. Your viewers can participate in the chat even while viewing it in full-screen mode if you display a chat overlay on your screen.

Here’s how to enable it in OBS and Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS), two of the most widely used Twitch streaming applications. Read Carefully, and don’t forget to share with your friends.

How to use OBS and SLOBS to add a chat overlay to a stream:

This technique is a little challenging because it necessitates a thorough understanding of OBS overlays. Since StreamElements is one of the most dependable and simple ways to set up your chat overlay in OBS Studio, we advise using it for this method.

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  1. Go to StreamElements and sign in. Whichever streaming service you use, we advise logging into your Twitch, Youtube, or Facebook accounts.
  2. 2) On the left side of your StreamElements dashboard, after you log in, you will see the Streaming Tools tab. Click on it, and then select Overlays.
  3. You can automatically add a Boxed Chat Overlay to your StreamElements by clicking this link. The “Boxed chat by Cocahh” overlay should now appear in your StreamElements Overlays section. To edit that overlay, click it.
  4. You can change the font, font color, font size, and background color in the Typography section of the Edit section. After selecting your preferred chat style, don’t forget to click Save. Click the “Copy Overlay URL” button next to the “Preview” button to send this to OBS.
  5. Visit OBS and choose to Add Sources (assuming you already have an existing scene). Choose Chat Overlay from the Browser Source or Browser drop-down menu (or something you prefer). To match your streaming resolution (typically 1920 x 1080, 1600 x 900, or 1280 x 720), adjust the Width and Length. Use CTRL+V or the right-click menu to paste the URL you copied into the URL field of the browser.

By entering a few words into OBS’s stream chat section, you can see if this works. If you don’t have that, you can use Boxed Chat’s edit section to select others before selecting Test Message. Compared to OBS, SLOBS provides more customization options and is more user-friendly for beginners. Here’s how to quickly add your chatbox to Streamlabs OBS:

  • Launch Streamlabs OBS, then select “Chat Box” from the left panel’s widgets list. Ensure that Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube are all connected.
  • Then, from the Widgets Tab, click the “Plus” icon next to sources and choose Chatbox. Choose a chatbox theme that you like.
  • We advise choosing “Clean” as your theme because contemporary streamers typically have a tidy chatbox.
  • You’re done when you click Close. You’ve integrated a chatbox into your streaming platform and added one for your stream. Any remarks made by your viewers will appear automatically on your stream.

We strongly advise adjusting the chatbox, sponsorship, donation, follower, and other widget sizes to maximize the viewability of your stream. Additionally, you can remove chatbots from your chat and set a timer for messages to expire, which will make your chat easier to read overall. A further suggestion is to always respond (vocally) to chatter on your Twitch streams. Doing so will increase viewer retention and significantly expand your audience.

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