How To Play Elise Jungle To Carry Your Team
How To Play Elise Jungle To Carry Your Team

Want to learn how to play Alice in the Jungle and climb the queue solo to win the game? This is our complete comprehensive guide on how to become an Alice Men. Ellis is growing in popularity as one of the strongest AP champions.

Her kit and early game presence allow her to be a constant threat to enemy laners, as she excels at both ganking and diving. That said, bringing out his maximum potential requires a good understanding of his build, run and power spikes. If you need more information about How To Play Elise Jungle To Carry Your Team then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

How To Play Elise Jungle To Carry Your Team :

First off, Elias Press wants to have The Attack as the Keystone Runner and Supremacy as the secondary tree. This combination provides the insane snowballing that’s needed to win a game with Alice. Below you can find all the short runs you need:

As Elise seeks to gain an early advantage and lead as much as possible, his build is going to revolve around the strongest first- and second-item spikes.Therefore, the best core mythic item for him would be Night Harvester, followed by Shadowflame. Paired with the Wizard’s Boots, you’ll be able to one-shot the most squishy targets with a combo thanks to the extra magic penetration.

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After that, you can opt for Zhonya’s Hourglass or  Rabadon’s Deathcap, depending on whether you want more damage or defensive stats. Other viable options for magic resistance and magic shield are the void staff, for even greater magical penetration, and Banshee’s Veil, for magic resistance and magic shield.


We mentioned how Elis is a strong early to mid-game jungle champion who falls very quickly in the later stages. In other words, you’ll have a limited amount of time when you’ll be one of, if not the, best champions on the map. After level 13-14 or 25 minutes, you will see a drop in your value as your combos are going to be slow compared to other champions.

As a result, your game plan will be to gank as much as possible and take resources to run key items. Once you reach level 3 after hitting jungle camps, you can look to close any lanes that are at too high or low health. Your combo would be to use your E>W>Q in human form and then W>Q in spider form. If you’re diving into a lane, use your E to dodge incoming turret shots.

Your cue deals an executed spell, meaning it deals as much damage as a target with less health. You can leave part of your jungle camps to put more pressure on the map. As long as you keep getting kills and experience, you won’t be left behind. If possible, try to play for the lane that’s better: if you’re not able to shut down the game, they’ll become the carrier later.

Once you have the Night Harvester, take advantage of its deactivation to destroy enemies quickly. Remember that Alice isn’t that good in teamfights: use Stun and your Rappel to transform yourself wisely. If you are able to get the lead and capture most of the objectives, you are going to see that victory screen at the end of the game.

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