credit: Blizzard Entertainment
How to get quest cards in Hearthstone: Simple ways to do it

From the time the “Journey to Un’Goro” expansion was introduced, Hearthstone has got a new type of card and quest. Legendary Quests provide interesting rewards if players meet their objectives. The first version of quests handed out card rewards.

However, their reintroduction to the game changed the reward system to modify the class’ hero power. In this article, we will tell you how to get Legendary Quest Cards.

How to Get Legendary Quest Cards

There are some ways that help players get legendary quest cards. The easiest way is to buy packs when an expansion is introduced. Players’ first 10 purchased packs should already give them their first legendary quest card.

Then, they become scarcer. Since the packs aren’t free so this process might take some investment and time. Players can also craft legendary quest cards in the game, but they should note that they are expensive.

Each card requires 1,600 Arcane Dust. Disenchanting legendary cards only provide 400 dust while epic, rare, and common cards offer 100, 20, and 5 dust respectively.

What Are the Rewards?

Finishing quests and achievements can grant players several rewards in the game. For instance, after reaching a certain experience threshold in the Rewards Track, players can unlock a specific reward.

Players can earn cards, card packs, or gold which players can use to buy other packs. Players can also earn rewards in Hearthstone by finishing introductory quests as a new player. Getting a win in three games in either ladder offers 10 Gold. Players can earn up to 100 daily Gold if they win three sets of matches.

Even players’ position on the ladder gets them rewards at the end of every month. Top-ranked players can receive golden epic and golden common cards. Speaking of cards, some rewards are class-specific. Players get those rewards after leveling past specific thresholds in their class.

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