How to get a permanent outfit and many rewards in Heart to Heart event BGMI for free

BGMI has always included exclusive events for users across the country. Recently, krafton has launched a new ‘Heart to Heart’ event with various sub-events. The event provides a unique opportunity for the players to earn some permanent Outfits and some small rewards. In this event the player will collect the heart by completing the daily mission in the Event section, with the help of these hearts, the player will be able to redeem the Valuable items.

Everything about the new ‘Heart to Heart’ event in BGMI

The event is live on Battlegrounds Mobile India and will continue till 23 August (IST).

Players must collect hearts by completing daily missions and earning the specified rewards mentioned in the event. The various prizes available in the event will only increase the player’s inventory.

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Here’s a look at the rewards from the ‘Heart to Heart’ event.

Supply Crate Coupon Scrap: Supply crate coupon scrap is available in this event, which requires 1 heart to redeem one scrap coupon. Players can redeem supply crates coupon scrap 10 times.

Premium Crate Coupon Scrap: Premium crate coupon scrap is also available in this event, which requires 4 hearts to redeem one scrap coupon. Players can redeem Premium crates coupon scrap 5 times.

Classic Crate Coupon Scrap: Classic crate coupon scrap is also available in this event, which requires 3 hearts to redeem one scrap coupon. Players can redeem Classic crates coupon scrap 5 times.

Kendo Master Cover: Players will need 45 hearts to get a permanent Cover. Players will be able to redeem a permanent Cover by exchanging them with 45 hearts. Players can redeem this permanent outfit only one time.

Kendo Master Set: The most valuable item at the event is the permanent Kendo Master Set Outfit, which requires 90 hearts to redeem this permanent outfit. Players can redeem this permanent outfit only one time.

How to collect heart in BGMI

Three sub-events, ‘Login & Win’, ‘Play & Slay’ and ‘Finish ‘Em Up’ have also entered the game. Players can complete missions in these events to capture the heart which they can turn into the main event to earn rewards.

Here are the daily missions in the ‘Login & Win’ event:

Players only have to log in to the game every day to get 2 hearts Everyday

Here are the daily missions in the ‘Play & Slay’ event:

Play twice Classic Mode every day to get 4 hearts Everyday

Another daily mission is the ‘Finish ‘Em Up’ event:

Finish 2 Enemy in Classic Mode every day to get 4 hearts Everyday

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