Enable 2FA to secure your account. (Credits: Epic Games)
How to Enable 2FA in Fortnite for better security

Enable 2FA in Fortnite and you will be open to various advantages, the most notable of which is that it makes it difficult for those attempting to steal your information to gain access to your account. 2FA is suggested for any game that requires a login, as it offers an extra layer of security that no one else can usually see. Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, has numerous options for enabling 2FA, all of which are simple!

Enable 2FA in Fortnite

To make your account more safe, we’ve produced a step-by-step instruction for each option. We can’t show you a detailed image of everything for safety concerns, but it’s simple once you get to the right page. There are two steps you must accomplish first, regardless of the choice you choose. To begin, log in to your Epic Games account, then select Password and Security from the left-hand menu. The locations of both of these things are depicted in the graphic below.

Authentication App

This is the most convenient approach to enable 2FA because it works on all platforms, games, and apps that support it. Because of how simple, convenient, and versatile it is, it is strongly suggested that you safeguard all of your accounts this way. The following are the steps to get started.

1: Get an authenticator app on your phone. Any safe authentication app will suffice. The Microsoft Authenticator App is a good example because it has a high user rating and is a very trustworthy source.

2: Scroll down to Two Factor Authentication on your account security page and select Authenticator App.

3: Select the option to add an account through QR code in the authenticator app you just downloaded. You can also manually enter the key, but it will take a long time.

4: On the webpage, input the 6-digit security code that the app provided.

5: Make a copy of your backup codes! That’s all there is to it! You’ve completed the task.

SMS Text Authentication

1: Scroll down to Two Factor Authentication on your account security page and pick SMS Authentication.

2: In the pop-up box, type in your phone number.

3: Take a look at your phone! Your authentication code should be sent to you through text message.

4: Go to the website and type in the six-digit security code that was sent to you through text message.

5: Make a copy of your backup codes! That’s all there is to it! You’ve completed the task.


1: Scroll down to Two Factor Authentication on your account security page and select E-mail Authentication.

2: You will receive an email from Epic Games. The authentication code will be sent to your e-mail address.

3: Go to the website and enter the six-digit security code that was sent to you through email.

4: Make a copy of your backup codes! That’s all there is to it! You’ve completed the task.

It’s simple to do, it’s free, and it’s secure. Your account now has two-factor authentication enabled. You’ve now unlocked some incredible possibilities for your Epic account. You may now send gifts to other players, participate in tournaments, and even win free games! It is true that safety pays!