credit: Rockstar
GTA Online: New heist challenge sets $2 trillion goal for players

Rockstar Games has given GTA Online players the new task of stealing $2 trillion with their new Heist Challenge. Besides, there is a mystery reward for the players who manage to pull off the heist.

GTA Online heists have continued to get bigger and better in the past couple of years. Rockstar Games has made a point to reward players heavily for completing them multiple times.

Heist targets in Diamond Casino and Cayo Perico jobs change every time players try to rerun the heist, but the game developers don’t stop there. They also add bonus cash as well with events and challenges.

The biggest among them is the annual heist challenge event, where players can earn double rewards for classic heists such as The Pacific Standard Job.

How can players get GTA Online heist mystery reward?

The GTA Online players have been challenged to smash a target of stolen money that will eventually lead to everyone getting a reward. Well, the game publisher is bringing it back this year as well. Rockstar is taking things to another level. Rather than challenging the $100 billion target, players are being challenged with stealing more than $2 trillion. Yes, you read that right.

Also Read: GTA 6: Release date, map, platforms, and other details

Players who take up the challenge will also unlock a “special reward” that they will receive later in the year if the challenge is completed by the community. The special reward will certainly attract a lot of players who will want to see what Rockstar might have in store for them.

How can players get $2 million heist event bonus?

Rockstar Games has given away a method that GTA 5 players can use to cash in on $2 million in bonuses. If players want to qualify for this heist event bonus, they need to complete the following heist finales.

  • Fleeca Job
  • Prison Break
  • Humane Labs Raid
  • Series A Funding
  • Pacific Standard
  • Doomsday Act 1: The Data Breaches
  • Doomsday Act 2: The Bogdan Problem
  • Doomsday Act 3: The Doomsday Scenario
  • Casino Heist 

Upon completion of these heists, players will required to get their timing precise.

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