credit: Rockstar
GTA Online: How can players register as CEO?

GTA V has been the most successful game in the popular franchise. The game outclassed all its precursors in all aspects with its great storyline, several fun activities, and three protagonists, each with a unique personality and abilities. Besides the great main campaign, GTA Online has kept the game interesting even after so many years.

GTA Online is also set on the map but with a slightly different story and side quests. This mode offers additional activities that aren’t available in the main game. It enables players to take part in several online races and club activities In this article, we will discuss how players can register as a CEO in GTA Online.

How to register as CEO in GTA Online?

For players to register as a CEO in GTA Online, they will have to fulfill some basic prerequisites. Firstly, players are required to have an executive office of their own. Buying one of these could be pretty hefty, and the cheapest one will set players back by at least $1 million. The costly ones can go up to $4 million, and players have the option to choose from four distinct executive offices.

  • $1 million – Maze Bank West
  • $2.25 million – Arcadius Business Center
  • $3.1 million – Lombank West
  • $4 million – Maze Bank Tower

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After players are done buying the office space, the next thing they need to do is to register as a CEO. The process is fairly simple, all players are required to do is open the interaction menu in GTA Online. Then, they need to navigate to the “SecuroServ” option from the same menu. This will offer players with additional choices, so they have to navigate to the “Register as a CEO” option and click it.

Registering as a CEO allows players to access several special VIP missions, such as recruiting associates, and request special vehicles for themselves. Players are also allowed to buy can special properties, including warehouses and other offices, and get access to additional vehicles in those locations.

By becoming the CEO, players can hire other players and make them do simple tasks for them. With constant updates rolled out for the game, it seems like the best time to register and play as a CEO in GTA Online. For players who think these perks are exciting enough, they should register as a CEO right away.

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