credit: Rockstar Games
GTA Online: How can players find UFO locations?

Whenever it’s Christmas to Easter time, the studio behind GTA, Rockstar celebrates real-world holidays and brings in-game items and updates for GTA Online. The developers will now be adding new vehicles, masks, and a brand new game mode for players to enjoy Halloween even more.

Recently, the developmental footage of GTA 6 was leaked, sending shockwaves across the gaming world. The leak also put rumors and speculation regarding the upcoming title to rest. Reliable GTA tipster Tez2 suggested that the mystery surrounding a suspicious screenshot of GTA 6 in GTA Trilogy could be unraveled in October, leading up to a possible reveal of the much-anticipated game.

Players will be able to see UFOs around Los Santos throughout October as part of the company’s Halloween event. In this article, we will tell how players can find each UFO and how they might be related to GTA 6’s reveal.

Also Read: GTA 6: Release date, map, platforms, and other details

Where to find GTA Online UFO

According to Tez2, GTA’s Halloween event will kickoff on October 15, and the final UFO is expected to appear on October 23. As per GTAWeb, players can find the first UFO on a beach that is located in the northwest corner of the map.

Rockstar Games said, “documentarians who provide a record of each and every sighting this month will collect a fee from a generous believer.”

As per the tipster, the events comes with 17 “stages” of UFO sightseeing, and the final one occur on the day of Halloween. “The Fort Zancudo UFO, unlike the normal UFO model, will appear on Sunday, October 23, 2022,” he revealed.

In 2021, GTA Trilogy players came across a photo with a UFO seen in the distance. The players were certain that the image appeared to be from Miami, or Vice City, as expected for GTA 6.

We request our readers to take all the rumors and speculations with a grain of salt, but a GTA 6 reveal may finally be on the horizon.

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