credit: Rockstar
GTA Online: How can players fast travel with taxis

GTA Online players will now be able to make use of the Downtown Cab Co to fast travel across Los Santos. Though, it’ll not be free of cost. In this article, we will discuss everything players should know about this feature.

When it comes to visiting different places around Los Santos, there are several options on offer in GTA Online, but with so hurdles out, fast travel might be the best way to avoid trolls and enemies who are looking to get you.

Well, there are some ways that players can use to fast travel, including the Kosatka submarine, and Casino helicopter service. Though, players have got to own a submarine and have a Diamond Casino membership in order to fast travel.

Rockstar is finally providing a fast travel option in the form of taxis from Downtown Cab Co, as players can also make some cash through the business with the Taxi Jobs. If people are more interested in fast travel, here’s what they need to do.

Also Read: GTA 6: Release date, map, platforms, and other details

How to fast travel in GTA Online using taxis

The Fast Travel taxi works exactly how it used to in the story mode. Players only need to call up the Downtown Cab Co from their in-game phones and they will get a cab out of you.

It could take a few minutes depending on the player’s location in Los Santos, so they need to ensure they are in a position where the taxi can drop them — which means standing near the side of the road.

Once a taxi arrives, players just need to hop on and select one of the pre-defined destinations. Unfortunately, players are restricted to some locations that have blips on the map, but players can set a custom waypoint.

  • Players need to call Downtown Cab Co on the phone
  • Now, they need to wait for the taxi to arrive
  • Then, hop in and select a destination 
  • Now, they need to press A/X/Enter for the Trip Skip option

GTA Online taxi Fast Travel cost

Since this is a Fast Travel option, it does come at a cost. If players choose to skip the cab ride, they will be charged $1,000 in the game. However, if players use the Fast Travel skip, they will have to wait for a 48 -minute cooldown. So, players won’t be able to spam it. For GTA+ members, the cooldown period will be for 5 minutes. This could change if Rockstar decides to be generous, but several things in GTA Online have a 48-minute cooldown anyway.

Fastest cars in GTA Online

Here are the fastest cars that players can find in GTA Online.

NameClassPriceTop speed
Ocelot PariahSports$1,420,000136 mph
Grotti Itali RSXSports$3,465,000135.3 mph
Pfister 811Super$1,135,000132.5 mph
Principe Deveste EightSuper$1,795,000131.8 mph
Bravado Banshee 900RSuper$565,000131 mph

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