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Gnaske’s Gravity Cannon Mishap Launches Him Out of Apex Legends Global Series Regional Final

The Apex Legends Global Series is in the midst of its final two regional finals as the remaining teams in EMEA and North America battle to cement their spots in the Split One Playoffs lane today. Everywhere and the point counts—and that’s why some of the game’s weirdest dialogue can be so important.One such interaction is how player characters interact with Storm Point’s gravity cannons.If you need more information about Gnaske’s Gravity Cannon Mishap Launches Him Out of Apex Legends Global Series Regional Final then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends

Gnaske’s Gravity Cannon Mishap Launches Him Out of Apex Legends Global Series Regional Final :

The gravity cannon usually doesn’t matter very much in pro play most of the time because it’s usually too easy for the team waiting on the other end to take out the team. Or, as Kansas City Pioneers IGL Gnaske found out today, they can send you flying completely out of the safe zone, regardless of which side of the cannon you’re on.

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This is an oddity since players usually have to be inside a gravity cannon for this to work. In this case, it seems that the rock ejected from the back of the gravity cannon is close enough to the cannon’s launch area that a slight jump behind Ganske’s cannon is enough to consider him inside it. The top of his character model must barely clip the launch zone, and he flies to his death because of it. Very unfortunate moment for the Pioneers, who were in the top three that game and could have done even better. And Gnaske let his feelings out loud on Gravity Cannon. So loud, in fact, that his teammates start telling him to shut up because they can’t hear what’s going on around him even after he leaves his microphone behind.

However, everything seems to have turned out well for the Pioneers and Gnaske. He entered the ALGS regional finals with his LAN spot almost secure, so it’s easier to enjoy your game when you know you just need to put in a little more work to win the big prize of going to the international LAN. The EMEA regional finals are still underway, while North America takes the stage later today.

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