Credits- r/Genshin_Impact
Genshin Impact Version 4.5: Wish Banners, New Event and Insights

Many of the players are concerned with the new Wish Banners in the Genshin Impact update. These resemble fortunate draws in which gamers might win exclusive characters and gear. There are certain issues with phase one the initial portion of the update, talk regarding the new Chronicle Wish Banner and the Event Wish Banners is going on. 

There are allegedly not enough unique personalities to get enthusiastic about, because the majority of the characters available are Geo characters some players are not happy. What’s going on with these banners and the reasons for players emotions are explained in this article.

Genshin Impact Version 4.5: Wish Chronicle Banners, New Event and Insights Explained

Players now have a promising way to gradually expand their toolkit with the introduction of the Chronicle Wish Banner. However there are important concerns about this new addition’s necessity given how much it looks like the previous banners. Since there was already so much room to improve the Standard and Weapon Wish Banners in light of the 4.5 update, it was a little unnecessary to create a new banner.

The Chronicle Banner follows the format of Event Wishes although it has a considerably different cast of characters than the Standard Banner. The original overlap between the Standard Banner’s offerings and the Chronicle Banner is still a source of dispute even though the Chronicle Banner is scheduled to rotate with every new phase and upgrade.

The large number of Geo characters in the current Event Wish Banners might seem helpful to individuals who are trying to assemble a Geocentric squad. The intrinsic inferiority of the Geo element in Genshin Impact’s extensive elemental framework is not much mitigated by this alignment despite the possibility of synergistic skills and talents amongst Geo characters.

Similar to their opponents Geo characters can be significantly improved upon. Sadly the narrow range of elemental reactions undermines their effectiveness even though they are essential for maximising damage output in the game.

Genshin Impact 4.5 Phase 1 Event Wish Banners

The limited selection of featured characters in both the recently released Chronicle Wish Banner and the event wish banners that are currently in use has received criticism. When it comes to Event Wishes Geo characters receive an excessive amount of attention which players find upsetting as they become less and less interested in this aspect. However the situation has only gotten worse due to the Chronicle Wish Banner’s resemblance to other banners.

Phase 1 Event Wish Banners Details

Yun JinGeo4-Star

Expectations From Genshin Impact 4.5 Update

Players find themselves in an unsafe situation as a result of the controversy surrounding the Event Wish Banners and the controversial introduction of the Chronicle Wish Banner. As of right now in Genshin Impact, getting new characters requires either using Event Wishes to purchase characters who are easily obtained through Standard Wishes or settling for Geo characters that appear to be weaker.

Unfortunately, these issues run the risk of overtaking the positive parts of the version 4.5. In order to create a more satisfying and well-rounded gaming experience it is imperative that further updates and Wish Banners take the lessons learned from these mistakes to heart. This includes reviewing the Geo Element and extending the selection of products offered inside Wish Banners.

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