In game screenshot
Free Fire MAX: 5 best pets every players should have

Except for the gameplay and graphical elements, Free Fire MAX is identical to the original battle royale game. Weapons, utility items, characters, and pets are all present in the most recent instalment of the Garena franchise.

The pets in Free Fire Max have particular skills that assist them gain an advantage over other players. With pets, gamers have a higher chance of getting a Booyah.

Given its ability to function seamlessly on low-end devices, Free Fire has exploded in popularity. The game features high-definition graphics and exciting gameplay. In the game, players can equip a variety of weapons, vehicles, characters, and pets.

In the game, users can choose from over ten different pets. These creatures have unique abilities that can be used for a variety of purposes. Because there are so many pets to choose from, players frequently wonder which are the top five that should be employed in Free Fire Max. Here are a few examples.

Free Fire MAX: Best pets in the game

Detective Panda

During a battle with foes, players tend to lose HP, which has an impact on gameplay. Detective Panda comes to the rescue in this circumstance.

Each time the gamer defeats an enemy, the adorable little pet can replenish HP. This is beneficial since players won’t have to worry about running out of HP when fighting enemies in Free Fire MAX.

At the base level, Panda’s Blessing heals 4 HP, while at the highest tier, it can restore up to 10 HP.


While Panda’s Blessing gives players more health, Ottero’s Double Blubber ability boosts the EP. This EP develops into HP over time. It’s essentially an additional source of energy that allows the gamer to engage in more aggressive games while also restoring their health.

The EP restored at the basic level is approximately 35% of the HP, while at the maximum level, it is approximately 65% of the HP.


With good loot and early enemy elimination, the path to victory becomes easier. Because everyone needs to look for plunder on the island, the first person to arrive has an edge over the others.

Gamers can use Falco’s Skyline Spree ability to their advantage. This skill gives gamers an advantage and allows them to arrive on the island sooner. Players that have Falco as a sidekick will have a tactical advantage in terms of getting weaponry ahead of the rest.


Beaston is a fantastic addition for gamers that enjoy throwing around utility items and throwables. The majority of the time, gamers neglect these goods and do not use them in the game. Beaston’s Helping Hands ability, on the other hand, will aid those who know how to use it appropriately.

The range of throwables rises dramatically as a result of this ability. In Free Fire MAX, gamers may cover a huge area and easily deal damage and knock out foes.

Mr. Waggor

Mr. Waggor’s Smooth Gloo ability is one of the strongest assets available in Free Fire MAX. Every 120 seconds, gamers will receive one Gloo Wall grenade thanks to this skill.

Gamers can use the gloo barriers to create a distraction or even attack and imprison enemies on their road to triumph. The cooldown is shortened to 100 seconds at the maximum level. As a result, Mr. Waggor is one of the top pets in Free Fire MAX for gamers.

Spirit Fox

When using healing items, Spirit Fox’s ability comes in helpful. When using a health pack, the player can gain an additional 7 HP. Her skill will let the player restore 10 HP when using a health pack after using Pet food and improving the pet. Spirit Fox is a pet that can be unlocked in Free Fire by spending 209 diamonds.