Lara Croft skin in Fortnite, Image credit: Twitter
Fortnite character locations: Where to find all NPCs in Season 8

Changes are afoot with the Fortnite characters, as new arrivals Shadow Ops, Ember, and Sledgehammer take their positions on the island to replace the outgoing Containment Specialist, Mummy, and Graven now the Fortnitemares are over. These Fortnite NPCs are worth seeking out as they can provide welcome respite during a heated battle royale, with handy items and weapons for sale alongside services to get you a head start on your enemies, including Prop Disguises to keep yourself hidden in plain sight or Storm Forecasts so you can get set up in a future safe zone. Fortnite characters now play a bigger part in the game than ever before, as they hand out Fortnite quests and each has their own punchcard to tick off for substantial XP rewards, so tracking down these 27 different NPCs is an essential ability to master.

Completing quests for these Fortnite characters will also earn you Fortnite gold bars, which you can then spend with them on weapons, items, and useful information. Because the world of Fortnite is so large you might not stumble upon them by accident, so follow our guide to all of the Fortnite characters locations and you’ll be meeting up with them in no time. Don’t forget that if you hear one of the Fortnite payphones ringing, you can answer it for a direct connection to a random selection of characters without meeting them in person.

Fortnite Characters locations

There are currently 27 Fortnite characters to find around the island, and you can keep track of the ones you’ve met so far by visiting the Collections tab on the Quests screen. They all only spawn in one specific location each (except for Cube Assassin) which makes them easier to find, so we’ve marked all of the Fortnite characters locations we’ve encountered on the map. Bear in mind that if another player has already hired or eliminated the character, then that will remove them from the location.

You’ll know when you’re close to one as you’ll see a speech bubble icon on your map, as well as on your screen above their head. This list shows where all of the Fortnite characters can be discovered:

01) Baba Yaga – South west of Sludgy Swamp

02) Big Mouth – The Pizza Pit (northeast of Corny Crops)

03) Fabio Sparklemane – Apres Ski (south west of Misty Meadows)

04) Dark Jonesy – West side of Steamy Stacks

05) Kor – East side of Misty Meadows

06) Dusk – Primal Pond (west of Lazy Lake)

07) Torin – The Aftermath (southwest of Corny Crops)

08) Grim Fable – Wasted Woods (west of Weeping Woods)

09) Kitbash – East side of Dirty Docks

10) Madcap – East side of Corny Crops

11) Nitehare – FN Radio (east of Craggy Cliffs)

12) Penny – West side of Retail Row

13) Pitstop – North east side of Boney Burbs

14) Charlotte – South east side of Pleasant Park

15) Raven – Hydro 16 (east of Sludgy Swamp)

16) Scuba Jonesy – Coral Cove (west of Coral Castle)

17) Cube Assassin – Inside Sideways Anomalies

18) J.B. Chimpanski – Weather Station (south of Catty Corner)

19) Toona Fish – Viking Vessel (west of Holly Hedges)

20) The Brat – Fork Knife Food Truck (north of Lazy Lake)

21) Wrath – Stealthy Stronghold (northwest of Pleasant Park)

22) Dire – Camp Cod (south of Catty Corner)

23) Ragsy – Risky Reels (west of Corny Crops)

24) Ariana Grande – Believer Beach Pier

25) Ember – Scenic Point (northwest of Corny Crops)

26) Sledgehammer – Flopper Pond (northeast of Holly Hedges)

27) Shadow Ops – South side of Lazy Lake