Korean Cowboys Podcast (Cr: Korean_Cowboys)
Former Idols Expose How Rookie K-Pop Groups Survive For Years Without Getting Paid

The K-pop industry is known for its intense training, gruelling schedules, and demanding fans. But one of the biggest challenges that rookie K-pop groups face is not getting paid.

In a recent episode of the “Korean Cowboys” podcast, former idols Joel (formerly BTL’s Jay) and Aaron (formerly NU’EST’s Aron) revealed how groups survive those early years of not getting paid.

How Long Do Rookie K-Pop Groups Go Without Getting Paid?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of time that rookie K-pop groups go without getting paid can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the company they are signed to, their level of success, and their individual circumstances.

However, it is not uncommon for rookie groups to go for several years without receiving a paycheck. In some cases, groups may not be paid at all for their first two or three albums.

How Do Rookie K-Pop Groups Survive Without Getting Paid?

There are a number of ways that rookie K-pop groups survive without getting paid. Some groups may rely on their parents for financial support, while others may take on part-time jobs or work as trainees for other companies.

In some cases, groups may even have to borrow money from friends or family in order to make ends meet.

What Are the Challenges of Surviving Without Getting Paid?

Surviving without getting paid can be a difficult challenge for rookie K-pop groups. Not only do they have to deal with the financial hardship, but they also have to juggle their training and promotional activities with their other commitments.

This can lead to stress, exhaustion, and even burnout. In some cases, it can even lead to groups disbanding.

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What Can Be Done to Help K-Pop Groups?

There are a number of things that can be done to help rookie K-pop groups. One is to change the way that the industry is structured so that groups are paid fairly from the start.

Another is to provide more support for groups, such as financial assistance and access to resources. Finally, fans can also help by supporting their favourite groups and buying their music and merchandise.

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Surviving without getting paid is a difficult challenge for rookie K-pop groups. However, there are several ways that groups can cope with this challenge. With support from their fans and the industry, rookie groups can overcome this obstacle and achieve their dreams. Despite the challenges that groups face, the K-pop industry is a vibrant and exciting industry that has a lot to offer. With its catchy music, energetic performances, and relatable idols, K-pop is sure to continue to grow in popularity for years to come.

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