Credits: Valve
Farming in Dota 2: Tips to farm effectively as a carry

As a carry player, a player’s goal in the early game is to farm swiftly compared to the opponent’s carry so they can get online earlier. While the general advice is to ‘hit more creeps’, farming efficiently is actually not as easy as it might sound.

There are many steps that players can take which will guarantee their spot at the top of the net-worth chart in every Dota 2 game. In this article, we will tell players how to do that.

Quelling blade tricks

Several carry players will purchase a quelling blade at the start of the game as it gives bonus damage against creeps. But that’s one part of their utility. One trick that several professional players also apply is using the item to cut trees to make a shorter path. It might not look like a big deal, but doing it enough times in a game adds up.

Using your Teleport Scroll

One item that’s low-rank players often underestimate is the TP scroll. Players should always think first about whether teleporting somewhere is a great idea. This doesn’t mean just thinking about what players are going to be doing immediately after, but what they are going to do for the next one or two minutes.

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Using the minimap

Another incredibly useful feature in Dota 2 is the minimap. It’s not for just showing players where heroes are, but also to show whether a neutral camp might have creeps there or not.

Stacking camps

Stacking increases the gold and experience output from one camp substantially in a time frame. If a team is stacking and the other team is not stacking, the one that is will have a higher chance to come out on the top in terms of net worth.

Farming heroes

Farming heroes is where players get the real incentive. While it might be easier said than done, carry players need to always seek at what their allies are doing and whether they can help them win a team fight.

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