Credit- UnknwnAayush
COD Mobile Season 6 with the Ultimate Fennec Loadout Guide

If you’re a Call of Duty (COD): Mobile player, you’re probably familiar with the Fennec SMG. Although the weapon underwent some nerfs after the game’s launch, it still performs exceptionally well in the hands of skilled players. To maximize its potential, it’s crucial to equip the right attachments. In this article, we will guide you through the best Fennec loadout for COD: Mobile Season 6. We’ll discuss the optimal attachments and perks that will enhance your loadout. Keep in mind that you can adjust these choices based on your playstyle and personal preferences. Feel free to experiment and find the combination that suits you best.

Fennec’s Best Attachments 

Let’s dive into the best attachments that can elevate your Fennec loadout for COD: Mobile Season 6. Each attachment serves a specific purpose, so let’s explore them in detail:

Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

The Monolithic Suppressor is an essential attachment for the Fennec. It effectively reduces the sound of your shots, ensuring you remain undetectable on the minimap while firing. Additionally, it extends the Fennec’s damage range, allowing you to engage enemies at slightly longer distances without sacrificing too much damage.

Barrel: ZLR18 Deadfall

The ZLR18 Deadfall barrel offers numerous benefits to the Fennec. It significantly increases the weapon’s damage range, enabling you to deal more damage over extended distances. Moreover, it enhances bullet velocity, making it easier to hit moving targets. Lastly, this barrel reduces recoil, providing better control and overall effectiveness.

Laser: OWC Laser – Tactical

For improved hip-fire accuracy in close-quarters combat, the OWC Laser – Tactical is the go-to attachment for the Fennec. It tightens the bullet spread when firing from the hip, increasing your chances of hitting targets without aiming down sights. This laser attachment allows you to engage enemies quickly and accurately.

Stock: No Stock

The No Stock attachment is a game-changer when it comes to mobility and aim-down-sight (ADS) speed. Equipping it grants you increased speed while aiming and enables swift strafing, making you a harder target to hit in close-quarters engagements. However, be mindful that using No Stock reduces weapon stability and increases recoil.

Ammunition: Extended Mag A

In intense firefights, having ample ammunition is crucial, and the Extended Mag A attachment for the Fennec provides exactly that. It increases the weapon’s magazine capacity, allowing you to take down multiple enemies without the need to reload. This attachment proves especially valuable when uninterrupted firepower is essential.

Best Perks for the Fennec in COD: Mobile

Aside from attachments, selecting the right perks is equally important for optimizing your Fennec loadout. Let’s explore the best perks that complement the Fennec in COD: Mobile Season 6:


The Lightweight perk grants you a significant increase in sprinting speed, enabling swift navigation across the map. With this perk, you can reach objectives faster, flank enemies more effectively, and escape dangerous situations with ease.


Maintaining stealth is essential, and the Ghost perk helps you achieve just that. It keeps you hidden from enemy UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and eliminates the red dot indicator on the minimap when firing without a suppressor. By using Ghost, you make it harder for opponents to track your movements, gaining a significant advantage in terms of stealth.

Dead Silence

The Dead Silence perk is a must-have for players who prefer a more silent approach. It renders your footsteps virtually silent, minimizing the noise you make while moving. This perk is especially useful for flanking maneuvers and sneaking up on enemies without alerting them. With Dead Silence, you gain the element of surprise, making it easier to engage opponents on your terms.

By utilizing the best attachments and perks discussed above, you can construct an exceptional Fennec loadout for COD: Mobile Season 6. Remember, it’s essential to adapt your loadout to your playstyle and preferences. Experiment with different combinations until you find the setup that best suits your gameplay. Master the Fennec, and dominate the battlefield in COD: Mobile Season 6!

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