Clash Royale: How to change your name in Clash Royale

You may alter your in-game name several times in Clash Royale, and it’s simple to do so simply going into the settings. After the first, each name change costs 500 gems. We’ll walk you through the steps of changing your name in Clash Royale today. how to change name in clash royale

In each game they play, everyone wants a nice or stylish moniker. However, we frequently mistyped names, enter misleading names, or, for any other reason, the names we input when we first begin playing a new game are something we liked in the past but do not like now. The same may be said about Clash Royale. As a result, the topic, “How do I change my name in Clash Royale?” is frequently asked in search engines, and as a result, here is a comprehensive tutorial that will both assist you in changing your name and also recommend some suitable names. It will also answer all of your questions about altering your name in Clash Royale.

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In Clash Royale, how can you change your name?

Because your name is how others recognise you and identify you, you need a better one now. To learn the entire process in full, follow the steps listed below.

1. Start the Clash Royale application.

Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Because you won’t be able to change your name anywhere else but when the game is first launched.

2. Select the three bars option from the drop-down menu.

This button is located in the upper right corner of your screen, directly behind your gems total. After clicking, you will be presented with a list of options from which to choose, and you must select the settings button before the image seen in step 3 displays on your screen.

3. Select the settings option.

Click the SETTINGS button, which is the second choice from the bottom, as seen in picture 1.2.

A new user interface will appear when you click Settings. Find the Change Name option on the right side of the box and click it.

4. Select the CHANGE NAME option.

If this is your first time altering your name, you may get the following prompt:

If you are altering your name for the second time, you will be prompted with the following prompt, which will require diamonds.

Click the Okay button.

5. Fill in the blanks with your new name.

Then double-check your new name by typing it again.

Keep in mind that the name you enter and re-enter must be identical. You can’t get much further unless they’re a flawless replica.

6. In the area provided, type CONFIRM.

This is a verification that Supercell uses in all of its games to confirm that the action is being performed by a genuine user. It’s important to remember that all letters should be capitalized.

7. Press the OKAY button.

You’ve completed the task. Your name has been changed.

What does it mean to have a good name in Clash Royale?

Is it really necessary to have a one-of-a-kind one? Well, it’s all up to you. Your real name may not seem nice in the game because it has nothing to do with the game. Consider the name Sparrow: does it have anything to do with the game? Consider the X-bow Master. This term indicates that the player is an expert at X-bow and appears to be invincible with the deck. That is, however, solely our own view. You may have your own viewpoint on it.

Another advantage of having a unique and special name is that it is simple to remember. If you wish to pursue a career in eSports, you should use a unique and uncommon name so that when the audience cheers for you, other people aren’t confused as to who the audience is cheering for.

Some simple but important facts:

You can rename your account as long as you have enough gems and complete the naming requirements. By standards, we mean that using your name does not infringe any terms or restrictions.

It is completely free to change your name for the first time. You will not be charged any gems. Changing your name for the second, third, fourth, and fifth times, on the other hand, costs 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 diamonds, respectively.

Players must purchase the Pass Royale in order to have a golden-colored display name in the game. The display name of players is turned to yellow, which we regard to be golden, when you purchase this one-season subscription.

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