Call of Duty Mobile, Image credit: Facebook
Call of Duty Mobile: Top five best guns in the game

Call of Duty Mobile is one of the most played games of all time. The game comes in a longer battle royale format and a shorter arena format. Players have been asking which is the best gun to use in COD mobile. So to help them out, we made a small list of guns to answer their questions.

This question usually comes because the makers have different guns in the game. But choosing the best gun in COD mobile depends on the type of gameplay one has. Here are a few different guns that we think are the best guns in COD mobile.  

  • ASM 10: A great long range with high accuracy. The gun will not ideal for close-ranged combat because of a low fire rate.
  • KN-44: Great Damage rate of 70. Difficult for long-ranged combat of the recoil and great fire rate. 
  • Peacemaker MK2: The gun has a Great Damage rate of 50. It is highly recommended for close-range combat because of the high fire rate and mobility
  • DR-H: It is accessible at tier number 50. Great Damage rate of 47. Meant for close-range combat because of the high fire rate and mobility
  • LK-24: Great Damage rate of 41. Has a great fire great with good accuracy.  Good for quick and short-ranged movements. 

Other modes to enjoy in Call of Duty Mobile

Here’s a look at some of the multiplayer game modes that Call of Duty: Mobile has to offer for gamers:

1) Domination: This mode involves battle for a tactical control point, which is marked. Every team involved in the mode looks to enter the control point that has been marked in the map, which is followed by killing all the opponents. The objective is to remain dominant in the control point for as long as possible, in order to earn points. An extremely vital aspect with regard to Domination is awareness of the map as extensively as possible. Players need to be extremely accurate with regard to their reading of the map.

2) Search and Destroy: This mode of the multiplayer section is extremely basic in nature. There are two teams, with one team looking to attack while the other is handed the objective of defending the base. However, players are not able to respawn in this section, which adds an edge to the clash. The attacking team is handed a bomb, which is expected to be planted at either of the two bomb sites. The defenders look to wipe the attackers out as soon as possible or defuse the bomb within the time limit that has been specified. This mode was featured in Counter-Strike, which is considered one of the most popular franchises in multiplayer FPS games till date.