Call Of Duty: How To Complete The Pathfinder Mission in MW2 DMZ Mode , Credit : Modern Warfare 2
Call Of Duty: How To Complete The Pathfinder Mission in MW2 DMZ Mode

DMZ faction missions reward players for completing objectives with XP, unique emblems, calling cards, weapon blueprints, and operator skins. Read on for a complete list of Legion, White Lotus, and Black Mouse faction missions in the DMZ game mode and the rewards for completing each, including more information about the new factions coming in Season 2 and the Seasonal Refresh!

With the addition of the Crown in Season 2 there are now four factions in the DMZ. Each faction has five levels of missions that you can complete for rewards – and some of these missions are harder than others. If you need more information about Call Of Duty: How To Complete The Pathfinder Mission in MW2 DMZ Mode then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Call Of Duty: How To Complete The Pathfinder Mission in MW2 DMZ Mode:

Pathfinder is a tier two mission for the White Lotus faction. There are three different objectives that you need to complete on Al Majra to get the rewards. Speedy navigation is part of the mission as you will need to visit every POI on Al Majra in one takeout, and these are all three objectives in the Pathfinder mission in MW2 DMZ Mode:

  • Go to Jaya Observatory and loot the GPS Tracker in Dumpster Dead Drop
  • Travel to each POI in Al Majra, while carrying the GPS tracker
  • remove gps tracker

Also read Call Of Duty: How To Insure Weapons In MW2 DMZ Mode

Before you go to the Trash, you have to eliminate the AI ​​in the area – and there’s a lot more so be prepared! Once they are taken care of, take the GPS Tracker from the dumpster dead drop and put it in your bag. Season 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 is finally here. It’s been a bumpy road for the latest CoD and its Battle Royale counterpart. But fans are hoping that the start of the new season could help revive things.

Despite the poor start for MW2 and Warzone 2, most players seem to be enjoying the DMZ. The survival marauder-shooter of DMZ takes you on Escape from Tarkov, Call of Duty. The mode drops squads of up to three players into random locations around Al Majra (as well as the new, smaller maps Building 21 and Ashika Island). The object of the game is to collect as much valuable loot and weapons as possible before being eliminated within the given time limit. Players can also complete contracts, which will give you cash and other rewards in return for completing specific objectives.

Additionally, the DMZ includes faction missions. These unique quests offer more lucrative rewards (such as keys, blueprints, XP, and more) but involve more challenging tasks. In Season 2, Infinity Ward has reset and revamped the faction missions. Missions are introduced that require players to collect new items and travel between the mode’s maps.

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