BMPS 2022: Enigma Eggy talks about his Esports journey and his biggest support

In BMPS Season 1, Enigma Gaming has had a good run in the first week. They finished at the fifth place with 143 points– 71 finish points and 72 placement points. Talking to Sportslumo, he opens up about his Esports journey, his biggest support and what he sees his future to be like in the Indian Esports scene. BMPS 2022: Enigma Eggy talks about his Esports journey and his biggest support

BMPS 2022: Enigma Eggy talks about his Esports journey and his biggest support

  1. Who has been your biggest support when you started your journey as an Esports athlete?
    My Dad has supported me alot from the start. He introduced me to games in my childhood and
    it carried on as a passion for me.
  2. How difficult was it to convince your parents about your career choice?
    In the beginning it was not at all easy to make them understand about esports and its potential
    but I wanted to continue with my passion so I told them that I will do it and after I won a
    tournament they agreed.
  3. How have you stayed motivated even after facing all the ups and downs that you did?
    My parents support me to play and they even see my matches, cheer me in my down lows not
    that only my dad also checkouts other players and tells me how can I improve my game style
    and gamesense and all this gives me a reason to win more and more tournaments, i love him
    for the constant motivation.
  4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
    5 years is a really long term in esports according to me and I can’t give any specific answer on it
    but I see myself representing India in a year.
  5. Most importantly… How did you start gaming?
    Gaming for me started when i was 5 years old and my dad gifted me a PSP on my birthday and
    we both used to play on it after a year he introduced me to pc games, So this continued and I
    ended up here.
  6. Advice to young athletes who are trying to make it big in eSports world?
    Be confident and give priorities to study over game cause you have to play games for 8 hours a
    day if you think u can do it try it. Try to participate in third party tournaments for practice and
    never leave an official tournament even if you are not into playing games for 4-5 hours you
    should try to participate in it, bgmi is some where luck base game you can win it if you have a
    lucky charm and you cannot achieve your dreams easily just keep grinding one day for sure you
    will achieve it, Just don’t give up on it.