(Credits: MUNNO Gaming)
Battlegrounds Mobile India: Best places to loot in game

Battlegrounds Mobile India is undoubtedly one of the pst famous titles in the country. It can be played solo, in a duo or in a squad. One can easily find loot for solo or duo anywhere but when finding loot for a squad, one has to land in building dense places. Such places are easily available on all maps.

Here is a list of places to land if looking for a good loot for the whole squad.

Battlegrounds Mobile india: sufficient loot for a squad

Sosnovka Military Base

One of the most popular landing spots in Erangel is the Sosnovka Military Base. It is also the hub for high intensityvlose combats and has a great loot pool.

Several buildings are available in each corner of military base. They hold adequate weapons, ammunition, and even health supplies.

Yasnaya Polyana

The Yasnaya Polyana is on the eastern side of the Erangel. Yasanaya is known for the kind of multi floor buildings that hold great look. Though the locatin could be far from the plane path at times, it does hold a lot of good loot for a squad.

The buildings are located close to each other and have adequate loot.


The town of Pochinki is one of the most popular landing spots in the game. The presence of numerous buildings that are extremely close to each other, one can expect god loot and even better close combats.

Squads can procure an adequate amount of supplies. The availability of good loot makes it one of the most favorable places in Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Los Leones

As far as the desert map of BGMI is concerned, players can drop in at Los Leones for great loot for a squad. Los Leones is spread across a wide region. Sqauds will be able to find a lot of buildings for weapons, ammo and health supplies.


Bootcamp is the centre of the Sanhok map of BGMI. The small map of Sanhok map has lesser places for good loot for a squad but places like Bootcamp are amazing for close range, high intensity fights and even better loot.

The biggest pro-tip one could give about surviving in BGMI is that players should avoid landing directly under the flight path.

Best drop locations in Battlegrounds Mobile India

Water City

This small city between Ruins and Rohzok in the Enragel map. The city is partially submerged in water but has adequate loot for the whole squad. Most people take hot drops in Rohzok and School, and avoid early fights and clashes. Just these factors make the City an ideal place to land and loot in.


Cave is one of the most loot-rich places in Sanhok map. It is an enormous opening in the ground with a way to an underground location. Not many know about this place and usually land at Quarry or Camp Charlie, but this place is also great for longer survival.

East Port

As the name suggests, this place is on the eastern side of the map. The place has several buildings and warehouses that could have adequate loot for a whole squad. This place is close to hot drops and that is why it is usually ignored.

Battlegrounds Mobile India 50 million download perks

Battlegrounds Mobile India crossed the 50 million download mark on Android devices. Even without being available on iOS devices, the game has breached a momentous number. As Krafton promised, the in-game perks of crossing the 50 million mark are now available in-game. Players can just log in to the game, and collect the permanent reward.

Krafton had promised various perks at various stages in the run-up to 50 million. If players have not collected the reward as of now, they can simply go to the events section and collect various perks. The game could launch anytime for iOS devices.

At the 48M Milestone, players will get Supply Coupon Crate Scrap X3. After reaching the 49M Milestone they will be able to get their hands on Classic Coupon Crate Scrap X3. After reaching 50M Milestone, they will get the Permanent Galaxy Messenger Set X1.

Why this milestone is important

To recall, BGMI’s global version– PUBG Mobile was banned by the Indian government on September 2, 2020. The ministry cited security reasons for the same and said the game is a threat to the nation. The players, especially streamers, complied. However, it turned out to be a big blow to their live watching and in turn, the revenue. With the comeback of the game in the form of Battlegrounds Mobile India, many big and small streamers have picked up the game again, and their watching has come back to the numbers they saw during the pre-ban era.

To comeback, and to be loved by this vast majority of the audience only shows how popular the game is. It is celebratory because a lot of players have got back their livelihood, and a lot of casual players have got back their means of entertainment.