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Apex Legends: Best Response Curve settings in game

You must locate the ideal settings for your playstyle in Apex Legends if you want to perform at your peak. It’s a crucial component, especially on a controller. Although you can adjust a lot of things, Response Curve is a game-changer. It controls how the analogue input from the stick is used to rotate your view, which affects how the crosshair responds to movement. There are five Response Curve settings: Linear, Classic, Steady, and Fine Aim. The best one is a matter of personal preference, but some are indisputable superior.

The Response Curve comes into play when you first start playing Apex Legends after playing another first-person shooter because it may feel a little bit different in terms of aiming than most games. If you need more information about Apex Legends: Best Response Curve settings in game then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

Apex Legends: Best Response Curve settings in game

You can modify this option, along with other options, in the settings menu to play the game exactly how you want. Checking these settings could completely alter how you feel about the game, so be sure to do so. Following are all of the Response Curves along with our rankings of each.

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5. High Velocity

High Velocity is for you if you want to fly to your next objective. This might be fantastic for you if you have the reaction time of a squirrel who just downed a Monster Energy drink. However, if you prefer to take things slowly, this will be the worst thing that has ever happened to you. When you choose this mode, your view will spiral with every touch of the analogue stick, so be prepared to enter real gamer mode right away. We wish you luck if you’re trying to use this Response Curve to perform actions like sniping, but if you want to demonstrate your quick reflexes and accuracy, this might be the perfect opportunity.


Linear will be your best option if you want your character to go EXACTLY where you want them to, without any ifs, ands, or buts. However, since this is a radically different way of playing a game, it will take some time to get used to how everything looks and functions. This could put you at a serious disadvantage in your first few games. The reason it is ranked so low on the list is that, even after you master this, you might still encounter some problems. You will notice any drift or other issues with your controller right away.

3.Perfect Aim

This will be the best course of action for the sniper on your team, allowing you to make smooth movements as opposed to quick, jerky ones. If you can master it, it will make your crosshair move more slowly than ever while still enabling you to make some fantastic headshots. This is going to be one of your best options if you need precision, unless you believe that your accuracy increases with speed. If you use this response curve, you will be able to line up the perfect shot, but you will lose some speed in the process. If this is the case, make sure you have some swift teammates who can cover for you.

2. Steady

This will be your best option if you’re looking for a great balance between twitchy and responsive. This will appeal to people who have played Call of Duty games since they were young or who have logged countless hours playing Modern Warfare because you’ll react to them similarly. Respawn games have a slightly different overall aiming system, so starting out with something more comfortable can help you quickly start taking some big victories. However, you might still find yourself being defeated by those who have mastered our top option, so proceed with caution and begin to practise.


You’ll feel right at home with the Classic Response Curve if you’ve spent countless hours playing Titanfall or Apex Legends before it. Before you became accustomed to the way the game works, you may not have even been aware that this setting existed; however, at this point, there is no need for you to alter your response curve because you have already discovered it to be the most appropriate for the game. If you’ve never played Apex Legends or another Respawn game before, give this a try because you can adjust everything to your preferences using the other settings that are available to you. There’s a chance it won’t feel right at that point either, in which case choose one of the other response curves.

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