Credit: Apex Legend
4 Years Old And A Surprise Gift May Be Coming In Apex Legend

Just in time for the holidays, we’re excited to introduce a new way for players to show their appreciation to their friends in Apex Legends with Gifting! Before gifting becomes available at the launch of Eclipse on November 1st, we wanted to give players an overview of how it works.

First of all; You must have login verification turned on, be at least account level 10, and be in-game friends with the people you want to gift. To send or receive a gift, your account must be in good standing and both you and your friend must have been friends for at least 2 weeks prior to sending or receiving a gift from each other (“If you’re already in- The game is friends for 2 weeks” before you start gifting you can start gifting right away). If you need more information about 4 Years Old And A Surprise Gift May Be Coming In Apex Legend then read carefully and don’t forget to share with your friends.

4 Years Old And A Surprise Gift May Be Coming In Apex Legend:

If you want to feel unreasonably old today, here’s a fun fact for you: Apex Legends is already four years old. Today marks the four-year anniversary of the surprise launch of Respawn’s Apex, one of the most successful releases of any game in history. On the back of many of Twitch’s top streamers playing the game on the first day, it was just hours before the free-to-play battle royale eclipsed one million players.

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Choosing a gift for your friends is simple: gifts can be obtained with Apex Coins from the Store tab at launch, and range from single items such as legendaries and weapon skins to bundles. You can give up to five gifts every 24 hours so be generous to show your friends that you appreciate them!

The hype died down a bit after that initial launch period, but since then, Apex has managed to develop a thriving community all its own. Even as some of the game’s biggest early personalities, such as Dizzy and Aescue, have moved on to different sports and more diverse streams, Apex has new content creators and professionals taking over the content creation space and its The pro scene has successfully filled the void in both.

When you’re ready to surprise your friend with that special something, all you need to do is navigate to the item you want to gift your friend, confirm you have enough Apex Coins for the gift you want. Select the username of your friend you want to receive, from your friends list, and press the “Gift” button after confirming all the details. That’s all and all that’s left is waiting for your friends to discover their new gift from you! Not having fun? Gifts are final and non-refundable, so make sure you’re gifting to the right account on the right platform and to friends who aren’t banned.

While many players have complained about the current state of the game and the season, there is reason to believe that the new season update coming in mere days will represent a major new chapter and change for Apex.

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